DavidKok, on 2022-October-29, 10:26, said:
With weaker hands we double, or pass and hope for partner to keep the auction open.
That gives up double showing both minors though. Passing hoping partner can double -- to me that puts too much pressure on partner, he overcalled light hoping you could raise, because that's the safest time to come in. Now he has to balance light over 2H also, not knowing you have values and a good suit you couldn't show because you didn't have enough to force to 3S+? That's dangerous IMO.
For all we know partner has extra length and we belong in 2♠
Possible, but a lot of those partner might have bid 2S to begin with, and in any case partner will have 5 cd suit a lot more often than 6+.
In order for passing out 3♦ to be correct over a constructive NF bid we need 2♥ to make, 3♥ to be a bad option, 2♠ and 3♠ to be worse, 4♦ to be a poor contract and of course 3NT needs to be off.
At MP you win a ton if 3d makes whether 2H makes or not. If 3D down 1 you win a lot if they don't double you & 2H was making. If you push them to 3H you got a free shot at beating 3 instead of 2, this is great in the long run. 2 spades and 3 spades are not really options because you don't have fit (for hands contemplating NF 3d), and unlikely to get there if you have values and can't show. 3nt/4d tend to be poor because the opps have a fit and both have values, the points are split and neither side has game/quasi-game. Basically when points are roughly evenly divided, the number of hands where you want to take a shot at 3d making or down 1 (esp. nv, and vul if they aren't likely to find the double even when you are off), and sell out to 3H, are a crap-ton vs the number of hands where you want to voluntarily commit to something > 3H.
3♦ forcing lets us explore all of those, as well as including all the strong hands with diamonds (or strong hands with no clear direction but a somewhat biddable diamond suit). We only pay up in the situation where it was right to stop in exactly 3♦, and even there we can recover somewhat because sometimes partner will keep the auction open, we can double or the opponents mistakenly bid on. NF is the wrong side of a parlay bet here, in my opinion.
Could not disagree more. Tons of hands that want to take a shot at pushing them up one/making 3D/getting out for down 1 undoubled. Many fewer hands that want to effectively force to 4D.