Zelandakh, on 2014-May-27, 09:04, said:
I play a 3♦ response as natural and slammy but with modofied follow-ups - 3♥ = decline slam try; 3♠ = accept slam try and no spade control; 3NT = accept slam try, spade control, no heart control; 4♣ = accept slam try, major suit controls, no club control; others = accept slam try and controls in all side suits. Playing 4 suit transfers the usual continuations are to show shortage after the transfer. That would be the scientific start for the agreed system. Of course bidding it the way you did gave you the maximum chance of making 6 if there were 2 cashers in clubs. Opposite a random this seems like a sensible way of proceding to me - the chances of getting all the way to 7 without a misunderstanding are probably not high.
Too much science can be a disaster in this sort of auction, give partner AQJ, AKQx, xxx, xxx and it's entirely possible no game even makes, but 6 or even 7
♦ may make if you don't pinpoint the lead.
I'd be inclined to gerber and bid 6 opposite 2 aces, 7 opposite 3, you'd be unlucky for 7 to be worse than a finesse opposite 3 although it can happen particularly if partner has Q
♥ without the J, it's quite likely to be cold - any K or Q
♠, Q
♣ or J
♠ puts it on a finesse.