North plays 4NT on a spade lead and cashes 3 clubs and 4 spades to get to the following position:
On the last spade, east discards a diamond but west has no good discard. If he discards a diamond, I'll get two diamond tricks instead of one. If he discards a club, I get a club and a diamond. If he discards the ♥9, I lead a low heart from both hands and either west is endplayed after cashing 2 hearts and a club or east overtakes and establishes an extra heart trick for me. If he discards a high heart, I lead a low heart from both hands and west is again endplayed or east overtakes and establishes a heart for me.
So what is that squeeze called?
North plays 4NT on a spade lead and cashes 3 clubs and 4 spades to get to the following position: