1D is unb--1H rel
1S = both m--1NT relay
2C = C are => D (so at least 5C)
2H art GF
3D = 1255
3H = clubs RKC
3S = D RKC
3Nt = to play
4C = H RCK
4D = exclusion 1
4H= to play
4S= exclusion 2
our default is HSCD for trumps and low to high for shortness. However ive never given exclusion agreemets in relay situation to my partner who is still learning the system. I think exclusion 1 should suggest the lowest trumps playing suit.. (suggest clubs so D void)--
In case of 3 suiter VS a void its simply a nightmare. Im open to good exclusion agreements.
In the end i jsut asked for keycards and the Q of clubs was enough for me to be in 6C, 7C need S 3-3 or QJ-xxxx and no H lead.