paulg, on 2011-February-01, 13:58, said:
As East appears to have no unauthorised information he is free to do what he pleases.
Or are you really asking whether the decision to play in a 4-2 fit, when there should be a better major fit, means East feels that West has forgotten the system? And has this happened before to lead East to this conclusion?
If the 2
♦ bid could usually be expected to deliver five diamonds and a 4-card major, then the pass of 2
♦x is reasonable. On the other hand, if it will often be only 4-4 (as will certainly be the case if their system does not allow them to play in 1NTx) then the decision to play in a 4-2 fit rather than a 4-3 or 4-4 (partner can have spades, remember) looks like a "red" fielded misbid to me. Perhaps this has happened before, or perhaps West showed a reaction to East's alert and explanation, giving East the UI that they were not on the same wavelength.
Anyway, the first thing the TD should do is to ask East to explain why he passed over 2
♦x. Did the TD ask this question and, if so, what was the reply?