GIB does not respect Autoplay Singletons option
Posted 2025-January-17, 10:47
This is bug is annoying and should be fixed.
If you really want to speed up the play, then the path is:
1. Make robots faster. If the server has not been restarted for some weeks, they used to "think" up to 10 seconds per move.
2. Allow "premove". That is playing the card effectively out-of-order. Currently you have to wait for both opponents to discard, if you cash your long suit.
Posted 2025-January-17, 20:06
bbstar, on 2025-January-17, 10:47, said:
This is bug is annoying and should be fixed.
Why is it annoying, did you want or need to think before playing a singleton or playing your last card?
Posted 2025-January-18, 02:03
johnu, on 2025-January-17, 20:06, said:
I need to think afterwards. Why was the card played a fraction before I clicked? It is terrible UX if unexpected things happen. It never saves any time or any clicks for me, just the opposite. And adds annoyance if it happens.
Posted 2025-January-18, 10:09
Yes, there are issues about not being able to see the cards without looking in history if you're not quick or not expecting it. The advantages (with real people) are enormous. This kills (or at least pushes back one trick) the troll play of just not finishing the hand until timeout, for instance.
Do I think it's right? I'll see. If it is a bad decision, they can and will likely change it. But being able to hold up an entire table through trollery is worse than "play the card you absolutely have to play, there's no information about your hand to give any more."
Posted 2025-January-18, 10:14
If all cards are played in a nano second, that would be disconcerting.
Posted 2025-January-18, 11:11
mycroft, on 2025-January-18, 10:09, said:
There must be a better way to handle slow play. And this is definitely not a problem with Robot play.
Other game servers (eg chess) have already invented the wheel (eg time limit, premove), so maybe these ideas could be used for a better solution.
Posted 2025-January-18, 11:59
And you probably shouldn't ask me about chess-clocked bridge - I can see the faces of the regulars from here. Let's just say "anything can, and will, be gamed."
Posted 2025-January-19, 01:15
mycroft, on 2025-January-18, 11:59, said:
The current system is: tricks 1-12 time limit: infinite. Trick 13: time limit 0 seconds.
My claim is that there is a better system.
Note that the current solution does not even solve the stalling problem. And it adds nuisance to Robot play, where there was no problem at the first place.
If i play a friendly team match. And want to thank opponents. Then I am unable to do that at trick 13, as the trick is played automatically and the table is immediately closed automatically.
Posted 2025-January-19, 12:05
There's a better solution - I'm sure there is. But it depends on the problem(s) needing to be solved.
The stalling problem is, frankly, a large, known problem, whether it's trolling, aiming for averages (on the unplayed last board) or just inattention. Whether this solution simply moves everything to trick 12, we shall see.
Your problems - are your problems. And they may not be *just* your problems; which is why I'm asking you to clarify them for the BBO staff (of which I am not one). Because if they are BBO's problems, or many BBOers' problems, then they will be put in line to get fixed.
Thank you for the one case; it is also a large issue, likely needed for many.
As a former QA and support person, and a solution integrator, I am saying that "this is bad, there are better solutions" is both true (and false), and not helpful. I am not saying "you don't like it, give them a better one" ("solve my problem for me or I'm not going to listen to you") - but if you have one, present it! - I am saying "you say this solution doesn't solve your problems, in fact it creates others. So, what are those problems, and why shouldn't the one deliberately targeted by this solution be considered a problem?"
I absolutely understand the "I want to see the last trick playing with robots". Especially on mobile where the next hand shows up right away and it is a pain to get to the last hand with history. I wonder if this can be reset to only be done at 2+human tables.