when partner doubles asking for a major and you have both, response is dogmatic?
Higher ranking first? More space?
Are major responses similar to Stayman, in the form that usually you answere hearts when you have both majors because 2S denies 4 hearts?
What do you bid?
A1.- Takeout: minimun response
A2.- Takeout: intermediate response
A3.- Takeout: shapely intermedium: 5/4 or 4/5: Does it mind?
A4.- Takeout: shapely intermedium: 5/5
A5.- Takeout: minium with 3-3
B1.- Negative double: majors 3/3
B2.- Negative double: majors 4/4 minium
B3.- Negative double: majors 4/4 intermediate
Thanks in advance to everybody
Kind Regards