Posted 2023-May-16, 13:41
[Edit: "What do I do with the East hand after 1♥-2♥?"] Double.
Much prefer it to 1NT on West's dreck. Yes, we bid 1NT for takeout on 4333s (and probably shouldn't), but they're very much on the top edge and with no wasted values. 11 including their Ace, and not 4 spades? No thanks. For why, swap the North and East hands. Just as likely. I guess the only thing I think is more dangerous is 1NT natural on that hand.
Am I going to find diamonds? Probably, but maybe not after 3♥ by South (*). Am I going to find 6 diamonds? You know, guessing 3 cards - Did North raise on "ace and out", did South bid with KQJxxx and the club Ace alone, or do we have this hand? - isn't exactly a sinecure. I mean, you know somebody bid light, and you know South has KQJxxx... Do they play Precision and open most 10 counts NV?
And whether you or I would raise on the North hand, with or without interference, there are people who do. They are more likely to raise in competition (either X or 1NT "double", or 1NT strong balanced, for that matter) than with a pass, but people do. And you have to be able to deal with it. Having said that, how do you do against 1♥-p-p?
* But I could see 1♥-p-2♥-X; 3♥-p-p-X getting floated at MPs. Ace-and-out and we should hold them to 5 trumps and the club for 500. Not 920, but still an okay score. Even 300 should get us somewhere.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)