Wise methods here?
Posted 2023-March-18, 18:02
2nd seat, all vul, I had: / KQxxx Q AKQJ109x.
RHO opens 1♠ and I went in with Micheals at 2♠, weak or strong. It then goes:
(1S) - 2S - (p) - 2NT (asking)
(3S). I was a bit concerned of X here just to show strength, because it's undiscussed and I'm not convinced setting them in 3♠X would suffice.
So I bid 4♠, clearly slam invitational, as I couldn't come to anything wiser.
Any suggestions so far? What should 3NT be instead of 4♠, for instance?
Pard bid 5♣ (P/C) and I passed.
This time, they had 10 tricks in ♠ and we had 12 in ♣, but I'm not concerned of missing the slam, just of exploring alternatives.
Thanks to anyone who would reply.
Posted 2023-March-18, 20:59
The hand you posted has 14 cards but I guess you were 5♥1♦7♣. This sort of hand comes up so rarely that having specific bids such as 3NT, 4♠, even 4NT after the bidding sequence you described have probably not been discussed, even if a established expert partnership. It is a matter of 'go figure partner'.
Posted 2023-March-18, 21:49

Posted 2023-March-19, 14:49
Either way, 4♠ is what I would bid.
Posted 2023-March-19, 15:59
Posted 2023-March-19, 16:15
LBengtsson, on 2023-March-18, 20:59, said:
It has been suggested here recently (quite reasonably) that this should show minors 5-5, rather than the 4NT I understand is or was normal.
I don't see a good case for it to show a super Michaels as 2♠ was forcing and there is plenty of space/opportunity to clarify things.
nullve, on 2023-March-19, 15:28, said:
A good question which even Larry Cohen does not answer.
My first thought is that 3♠/3m should show preference and a non-maximum, 3NT Non-serious spades and 4m a control-bid in spades.
Posted 2023-March-20, 05:09
DavidKok, on 2023-March-19, 15:59, said:
Well, I take this as a reinforcement of my question

I do not agree although that this was a ♣ slam inv. hand. It's a slam inv. hand in ♥ if pard has a fit, in ♣ otherwise.
Posted 2023-March-20, 05:18
helene_t, on 2023-March-19, 14:49, said:
Either way, 4♠ is what I would bid.
I like the relay idea to show the suit and the ST. I would use it only when opps have bid to the 3 level after our Micheals though, otherwise rebid 3 of their suit.
I would still strongly consider 3NT by the Micheals bidder as the general ST, both over 3M by the opponents and 2NT by pard. Need to discuss with my partner.
And I am still at discomfort if X is part of the system, unless it is mandatory for pard to bid. Too many variants where 3M makes or goes 1 down and you can make 10 or 11 tricks.
Posted 2023-March-20, 06:02
heart76, on 2023-March-20, 05:09, said:

I do not agree although that this was a ♣ slam inv. hand. It's a slam inv. hand in ♥ if pard has a fit, in ♣ otherwise.
Posted 2023-July-27, 00:46