We play weak 1NT. This hand came up today. Was the bidding up to 3C correct, and should South have taken North's 3H to be 4th Suit forcing, and if so what should South have bid next?
Fourth suit bid by opener has rebid 1NT How should partner interpret it?
Posted 2020-July-03, 09:32
We play weak 1NT. This hand came up today. Was the bidding up to 3C correct, and should South have taken North's 3H to be 4th Suit forcing, and if so what should South have bid next?
Posted 2020-July-03, 09:48
Posted 2020-July-03, 11:44
As for 3♥ being fourth suit forcing well that normally occurs when all four suits are bid without a 1NT rebid inbetween. 3♥ is obviously forcing. I'm unsure if I'd interpret it "asking for a stopper/half-stopper" or possibly "an advance cue bid agreeing ♣s". Seeing the two hands lend itself to asking for a stopper of sorts (as KingCovert suggested.)
Posted 2020-July-03, 13:38
Posted 2020-July-03, 15:19
Wainfleet, on 2020-July-03, 09:32, said:
Apart from a weak NT, what is you basic system? I might respond 2C rather than 1S - but it depends on what a 2C response means for you?
1D-2C-2NT-3S-3NT (or 4S) is a possible sequence for us. I think that all roads lead to a failing game.
Posted 2020-July-04, 02:42
3♥ just asking for a heart stopper is too vague, I think. You can always bid 3♦ as a catch-all so 3♥ must show something specific.
It's intriguing, by the way, that 3♣ doesn't show five spades. It would in a strong-nt system, but your auction makes sense.
Do you have some kind of check-back after 1nt? If so, it's maybe best to use it sow that 3♣ gets a more specific meaning.
But of course it is also playable to play the check-back as showing five spades so that 3♣ here denies extra spade length.
Posted 2020-July-04, 03:30
helene_t, on 2020-July-04, 02:42, said:
3♥ just asking for a heart stopper is too vague, I think. You can always bid 3♦ as a catch-all so 3♥ must show something specific.
It's intriguing, by the way, that 3♣ doesn't show five spades. It would in a strong-nt system, but your auction makes sense.
Do you have some kind of check-back after 1nt? If so, it's maybe best to use it sow that 3♣ gets a more specific meaning.
But of course it is also playable to play the check-back as showing five spades so that 3♣ here denies extra spade length.
You also need to discuss the strength of 3♣ for us it's 4-6 to play
Using 3♦ is a catch all is not great, with the hand opposite here, if partner bid 3♦ showing 5, you'd feel confident in playing 5♦, less so if he bid something else only showing 4 and this I think is a better use.
Posted 2020-July-04, 06:49
Whether you bid it correctly similarly depends on the meaning of 3♣ but assuming that shows a hand like this one, it looks like a perfectly sensible auction to me. I think all scientific auctions here are leading to 5♣ while all bash auctions end in 3NT. Both contracts need a non-heart lead or a low card from ♥AKxx(x). I see this as much more likely in 5♣, which I assume is what you reached after 3♥. If the ♥AK are with West, bad luck, next board.
Posted 2020-July-06, 10:05
This auction should have ended with a bid of 4♣.
Posted 2020-July-06, 10:37
KingCovert, on 2020-July-06, 10:05, said:
This auction should have ended with a bid of 4♣.
Do you typically invite with a pretty decent 11 opposite 15-16 ? We would have game forced long ago
Our auction would have started (Acol) - 1♦-2♣-2N and been GF from then on.
Posted 2020-July-06, 10:59
Cyberyeti, on 2020-July-06, 10:37, said:
Our auction would have started (Acol) - 1♦-2♣-2N and been GF from then on.
Ahhhh, yes, I usually play a 10-12 1NT and so I wasn't processing this. It's showing 15+. Thanks.
Still, I don't really see any reason why with a beginner pair this changes anything. I suspect that, after 1NT, 2♣ is natural for them, and that they expected that 3♣ is stronger than 2♣. 3♥ still seems like it can only be an ask for a partial stopper? Perhaps this is too advanced a meaning for a beginner pair, but, given the actual hand, I struggle to assess a different meaning that seems believable. 4th Suit Forcing is a particularly useless agreement at this stage, as surely 3♥ is forcing and well, kind of hard not to reach at least 3NT at that point.
I want to be clear though, I'm not advocating for this sequence as being a great sequence or set of agreements, but, given their apparent agreements/understandings it's simply my assessment. I suspect that I'd have arrived at 3NT in 4 bids under the best set of agreements that I play. Interestingly, 4♠ looks like it has more play than we've given credit for so far. It makes on a 3-3 spade break and some 4-2 breaks.
Wainfleet "We play weak 1NT. This hand came up today. Was the bidding up to 3C correct, and should West have taken East's 3H to be 4th Suit forcing, and if so what should West have bid next?"
Hands rotated to make West dealer.
Assuming Acol with a weak notrump, I prefer a 1♣ opener. After a 1♦ opener, I prefer a 2♣ reply. On the actual hands, neither of these suggestions are much help