kuhchung, on 2019-January-31, 13:05, said:
listen to cherdano
I think he makes quite often valid points, and he is for sure a better player
than I am, or ever will be.
I agree also with his sentiment, that peoble use the LTC in a way, that it would
often be better for them, if they have never heard about the LTC.
Having said this:
The statement
Calling it "3 cover cards" makes it look the same as Kxxxx xx Qxx Qxx.
is plain wrong, his example hand, has at most one cover card, and even one
cover card may be stretching it. You dont count a Queens as cover cards, an
unsupported King in a suit partner did not bid, is also not a sure cover card.
The last time I looked at the definition what a cover cards is 15+ years ago,
but I am pretty sure about those to assemesments.
The hint, that we have a beautiful 5 card suit is great, but we wont be able
to use the suit unless partner has the Ace, due to a lack of entries.
Make it a different suit, and I am fine with using the suit as a reason to go on,
make it an empty 5 card suit, and distribute the 2 honors in the minors, I am
fine with arguing, that those 2 honors are pulling their full weight, but the
given 5 card suit is not a plus.