We play 4th Suit Forcing as 100% Forcing to game at both the three and two level. You are not playing 2-over-1 game forcing - the 2♣ response initially promised a good 9+ points.
I am looking for general advice in this area, not just the answer on this specific hand. I realise that many of you will play 2-over-1 game forcing and a bid of the 4th suit after a two-level response will have different meanings in this case, so please assume that your two-level response does not force to game for this discussion.
What is your philosophy in responding to 4th suit forcing (4SF)? If you have more than one feature to show how do you prioritise them? I have seen various advice on this subject and much of it is contradictory. The advice that I have seen doesn't seem to make any distinction between responding to 4SF at the two level and 4SF at the three level. Similarly, there is no distinction made between partner initially responding in a major and a minor. What bid do you make if you are unable to show additional length in you suits, you are unable to show support for partner's suit and you don't have adequate stoppers for NT. Under what circumstances would you be prepared to go beyond 3NT?
[Edited to confirm 4SF is 100% Game Forcing]