lamford, on 2018-March-09, 03:56, said:
"the bids should remain in place until the opening lead is faced but this app hides them after 3 passes" was one review. If that is the case, the designers should have consulted some bridge players first.
After 3 passes the app shows the final contract (e.g. four hearts by north, doubled) and offers a button "Review Bidding" which exposes the entire bidding sequence again if required - doesn't see such a bad choice to me, given that this free version only handles bidding, nothing else. I see there was supposed to be a Pro version that handles score keeping too, but I've not seen that if it exists. I mentioned this app just as an example of a good real world interface and because I like the approach of only offering legal choices (not permitting infractions such as insufficient bids or bids out of turn, etc.).
The question about how closely Law 41 is followed in each country intrigues me, but is even more off topic
I'll start a new topic to explore that.