Posted 2017-July-26, 08:29
I am torn between East and Neither, I went with East, but seeing that neither
got basically nothing I regret it, Neither is an real LA.
West has made a Neg. X, which alread promises a little more than 6/7 HCP,
i.e. he has a min hand for his call.
On the other hand, what ever one claims, the neg. X did not 100% gurantees
a 4 card heart suit, i.e. requiring East to jump to 3H is ok, but you dont
have to do it.
I have no idea, how good the game is, esp. after a trump lead and continuation
you may find it difficullt to get your tricks, but I am not really good at analyzing
this kind of stuff.
With kind regards
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)