EDIT to add: This post is going to be hard to read because the forum removed many of the spaces in my post. In my example hands, the hand stops at the first space of each suit, followed by text. The next suit begins the next line.
quiddity, on 2016-September-27, 12:20, said:
4♥ seems a bit too much on the first hand. If partner has a stiff diamond and 4-card support and 3 working controls then he can probably raise 3♥ to 4. That's not just a minimum, it's a perfect minimum.
Normally I'd be pretty unhappy that there were players implying that I don't know enough to teach novices (by essentially saying I'm giving them bum information) but since hand evaluation can be subjective, let's test this theory out.
I wrote a program to do a BOREL-type simulation. I generated 20 deals where I held this hand, opener had an opening hand with 4 diamonds and no longer suit, responder had at least 4 diamonds and no 4-card major, and partner had a takeout double as defined as: 13 points counting 1 for a doubleton, 3 for a singleton, and 5 for a void, and subtracting 2 for a singleton king or 1 for a singleton or doubleton queen or jack. I also said that doubler had to have 3 cards in each unbid suit and no 5-card or longer major. I only chose those where doubler had 13 or 14 points counting shortness since with 15, doubler would raise 3H to 4H anyway so my decision to bid game is irrelevant. Here are the 20 deals:
S-AT73 Game is easy with 3-2 clubs and the CK
H-AT2 onside.
S-QJT3 I could lose 2S, 1D, and 1C but I'm leading
H-A972 toward the spades twice and there's a good
D-2 chance that I get both my clubs off. This
C-QJ95 is a particularly unlucky holding but 4H
has play.
S-K853 Assuming opener has the SA and 3-2 hearts,
H-974 I lose only a spade and a heart but must
D- handle the diamonds. On a diamond lead, I
C-KQJT63 might need 2-2 clubs also - I ruff the lead,
lead a heart which they must duck, ruff
another diamond, play CK, club to the ace,
and top heart. They shouldn't be able to
hurt me if clubs were 2-2. Not an awesome
game but it's not clear that I get a
diamond lead all the time.
S-AJT3 Why can't partner ever have four hearts?
H-975 Still, if opener has the CK and hearts and
D-A clubs are 3-2, this shouldn't be a
C-QT932 challenge. Note that these 3-2 heart breaks
are going to happen a lot when responder
raises diamonds instead of bidding 1H.
S-AQ53 Here I need to trump a diamond and hope that
H-AT2 opener has both black kings. If clubs are
D-T9 3-3, I'll only need the spade finesse if
C-Q952 West leads a spade.
S-KJT5 At first glance it appears that I need to
H-AT54 guess both black suits but it's not unlikely
D-2 I'll get to discard a black card on the
C-QT95 other black suit.
S-JT54 I'll lose two spades and perhaps a club
H-AT5 but this time game is easy even with only
D- three hearts.
S-KQT4 I'll lose a heart, a diamond, and a spade
H-852 for sure. Leading toward the spades will
D-A7 likely let me take a useful discard. Ducking
C-KJ95 a diamond early may allow me to retain a
diamond control if the defenders draw trump.
S-AK94 I have to hope West has a doubleton honor in
H-A94 clubs and lead the first one toward dummy.
D-54 An unexpected trump lead will beat this but
C-JT86 the CK lead gives me an unmakable contract.
S-K843 Assuming the SA is onside, I'll trump two
H-AT75 diamonds and lose a spade, diamond, and
D-9 club.
S-QJ85 I'll lead twice toward the spades and hope
H-A854 opener has the S-AK or that the CK is
D-J onside.
S-AKJ4 I'll try to trump a diamond and guess which
H-T98 black suit queen to play West for. I might
D-75 be able to drop or ruff out the queen in
C-KJ85 one suit and then finesse in the other.
S-AKQ5 Need 3-2 hearts and the DA onside. A club
H-974 loser goes on the spade.
S-AT53 As above, I'll lose a spade and a heart but
H-854 repeated diamond leads might make me play
D- for 2-2 clubs.
S-K973 If West has the SA, I'll make it easily,
H-A74 with an overtrick if I find the CQ. I don't
D-9 need to bother trumping diamonds as the
C-KJT95 clubs will take care of them.
S-QJT8 Again, I'll hope that I can trump two
H-A94 diamonds and get two clubs off on spades.
D-7 A very unlucky flop, but still should make
C-QJT83 when East holds the CK or West panics and
plays East for the CA.
S-AQ93 The spade finesse gives ten tricks which
H-A875 include two diamond ruffs.
S-T975 Ten likely tricks in hearts and clubs.
S-AQ75 I'll need to find West with both black
H-T75 kings unless the defenders let me use the
D-AJ fourth club.
S-K875 SA onside means lose 1S, 1D, 1C. Will trump
H-AT82 two diamonds. If they try to stop that, the
D-T club suit will likely provide a discard.
So game seems a reasonable but not awesome prospect opposite a hand that wouldn't raise a 3H bid to 4H.
I was surprised at the number of times that partner only had three card support in my simulation. It's not unlikely that partner with three card support wouldn't raise to game with a better hand than my simulation allowed; making 4H a better bid. Also, the two times I needed 2-2 clubs, partner might have overcalled 2C instead of doubled, meaning the hands shouldn't be in my sample set. The simulation also hurt me by dealing 3 small trumps five times but ten third only twice.
I would expect to make 4H more often than not. Many times it depended on the opening bidder have a high card, sometimes two cards but he did need something to open. A couple of them required careful play, and while a novice might not find the play required, the novice is also going to not receive as good defense - his novice defenders might fail to find the "obvious" trump switch, or sometimes after cashing a diamond and seeing the dummy with a singleton, play ace and a trump putting declarer in control. I would certainly want to bid 4H vulnerable at IMPs but the conditions given were not vulnerable so I have to concede that bidding 4H is okay and bidding 3H is okay. But it also does point out to me that I need clearer examples when I use judgment in hand evaluation to suggest a call that the points don't warrant.
Of course, when I evaluated the prospects, while I didn't assume I was getting a trump lead when it was right, I also didn't assume I was getting any bad leads. Sometimes the opening leader has D-AQxx and leads a different non-trump suit. In most of my examples, that would have enhanced my odds of making 4H.