Would you please help me with your answers to clarify couple of questions? Thanks in advance!
Question 1: I learned to respond to partner's opening with good 5+ and always “Support with support”.
If my partner opens 1H, and there is an overcall, as 1S or 2C, I would bid 2H with hand like ♠Qxx ♥Kxx ♦JTxx ♣xxx.
If opponents were silent, I would raise to 2H thru 1N, to show 5-7 raise.
Partner says that hand is just not good enough for any raise. Would you agree?
Question 2:
Options are 2H (what's range of this call?); 3H (only preemptive or LTT ?); 3S (splinter); 4H (do I need 5th trump?); 3C (limit+ hand that doesn't promise H support).
How should I evaluate this hand?
And if opponents were silent, and you played reversed Bergen raises, what would you bid?
Question 3: How good should responder's hand be to bid on 2 level after an overcall?
Auction A:
Does this 2H "promise" second bid? Should N bid 3H?
Auction B:
I read X as either p has not 5h; or if he does, he does not have 10 points; or he has very good hand with hearts and longer clubs. So when 3H bid came, I just could not understand what he had, nor what I should do there.
Responder's hand was: ♠xx ♥AKQTx ♦xx ♣Jxxx, and his argument is that 2-level bid in this kind of auctions shows an opening hand, while I thought only 10 is enough with relatively good heart suit; forcing just one round.
I hope I did not break some rule for posting several different questions in one post. Thank you for your replies.