SteveMoe, on 2016-July-02, 11:19, said:
Partner's jump suggests a strong hand and shape that was not convenient for your overcall system - something about x=4=y=5 or the like.
Does it? The evidence suggests that that hand could have doubled initially and even if not it would surely either have relayed or made a call showing a good raise if that is available (such as an artificial 3
♦ for example). We can decide to raise on shape alone here, particularly at these colours, but we should not fool ourselves into thinking that we have the high card strength for game. More likely we are going to cross ruff and hope not to lose 4 on power before it gets set up.
As for the actual hand, did your partner forget the agreed system? If you are going to play artificial methods then it is rather important to discuss follow-ups, which are often more complicated than the immediate conventional calls themselves. If one forgets to use the actual methods and neither is sure about the later auction, you are liable to get many results considerably worse than this one somewhere down the line.