Do your agreements depend on vulnerability and / or whether the auction forces us to the 3-level? Does it depend on whether pard is a PH?
X after initial strong 1NT overcall... What are your methods?
Posted 2016-May-28, 22:22
Do your agreements depend on vulnerability and / or whether the auction forces us to the 3-level? Does it depend on whether pard is a PH?
Posted 2016-May-28, 22:57
is 1S (1N) P P 2S dbl takeout or penalty?
How about 1H (1N) P P 2H dbl?
Or 1D (1N) P P 2D dbl?
Posted 2016-May-29, 01:43
This is a common popular artificial.
Posted 2016-May-29, 02:05
lycier, on 2016-May-29, 01:43, said:
This is a common popular artificial.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-May-29, 11:17
In the end it boils down to the question, how good needs the stopper to be?
Kx is enough for me, i.e. a doubleton is not uncommon.
If you need basically always 3+ cards in their suit, than penalty will be
more frequent.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2016-May-29, 12:12
This is in contrast to where you open in NT and get overcalled, in which I like takeout, since when you opened you had no idea that an opp was going to overcall in your xx or Ax suit.
Posted 2016-May-30, 05:53
Look it another way. What will upset partner most; passing 2C when it goes one or two off, or making a penalty double and it making, perhaps even +1 or 2.
Posted 2016-May-30, 05:55
Posted 2016-May-30, 07:40
To double 2♣, I would have Ax Axx Axx KJ109x at a minimum. I'm still not sure that I would double, though, because opps might have a place to run, and I'd lose my plus score.
Posted 2016-May-30, 08:05
I wont go deeper into a discussion, but for us:
All low level doubles of suits are for T/O, when there exist at least
two unbid suits. Having a generic meta agreement is handy, and safes a
lot of stamina.
And finally: A 1NT overcall showes the shape / strength pretty well,
and over a minor suit opening it even has preemptive value, and it does
not rule out a doubleton in their suit.
With kind regards
PS: I can follow the arguments, why penalty may be better, but the frequency
of hands, that would allow me to make a penalty is not high enough to even
start considering tweaking the Meta.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2016-May-30, 09:28
P_Marlowe, on 2016-May-30, 08:05, said:
I wont go deeper into a discussion, but for us:
All low level doubles of suits are for T/O, when there exist at least
two unbid suits. Having a generic meta agreement is handy, and safes a
lot of stamina.
And finally: A 1NT overcall showes the shape / strength pretty well,
and over a minor suit opening it even has preemptive value, and it does
not rule out a doubleton in their suit.
With kind regards
PS: I can follow the arguments, why penalty may be better, but the frequency
of hands, that would allow me to make a penalty is not high enough to even
start considering tweaking the Meta.
We would agree with this pretty much word for word, can you not have a 4432 17 with ♣AQ here, particularly at MPs you might want to play at the 2 level or make them bid 3♣. Your club stop might be flimsier if the club can be a weak NT.
Posted 2016-May-30, 12:05
Voting Alternatives, on 2016-May-28, 22:22, said:
Would make more sense the other way round....
After rebid, cannot possibly be takeout, since we didnt takeout-double on the first round.
But after new suit, say:
1C - 1NT - P - P 2D - Xthe Double, logically, would show a 4-4-2-3 maximum.
Posted 2016-May-30, 12:14
foobar, on 2016-May-28, 22:22, said:
- 1N (2♥) Double
- 1N (2♥) Pass (Pass); Double
- (1♦) 1N (2♥) Double
- (1♣) 1N (Pass) Pass; (2♣) Double
Posted 2016-May-30, 13:36
If opener bids a suit, and the partner behind opener passes, and then opener rebids the same suit without a raise from his partner and without any other suit being named, double is penalty. So the following doubles are penalty:
1X - 1NT - Pass - Pass
2X - Dbl
1X - Pass - 1NT - Pass
2X - Dbl
1X - Pass - Pass - Dbl
2X - Dbl
However the following doubles are still takeout:
1X - Pass - 1Y - Pass
2X - Dbl
1X - Pass - Pass - 1Y
2X - Dbl
1X - 1NT - Pass - Pass
2Y - Dbl
1X - Pass - 2X - Pass
Pass - Dbl
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
A sample auction appears below, with RHO dealing and rebidding suit over your 1N overcall (everyone else passes). What is your X over the rebid? Doyour agreements depend on vulnerability and / or whether the auction forces us to the 3-level? Does it depend on whether pard is a PH?