Abiding by the 5cardMABBS, South opens declaring five hearts and having at least 13 pts. North responds at the three level (pt. range 23-25) declaring having 11-12 pts. and enough hearts to fill out the 5/3 requisite trump footprint. South perceiving from North's bid that the 5/3 requisite trump footprint is satisfied and that the combined hand's have at least 23 pts. (Three level bid range.), with the 3 pts. not declared in the opening bid, bids hearts at the four level (pt. range 26-28).
The difference between overbidding and underbidding is one point; also the difference between making a contract and not making a contract. The closer the match-up between point count and bid level ranges the more precise a partnership's bidding can be. Point count methods have never met this requirement thusly creating out of necessity the out of kilter bidding practices in use.
Watch for Talking Pts.??