Cage Match I (me vs PhilG007)
Posted 2016-May-02, 19:01
I'm the first one to say, "Don't post more than three hands in a single thread, but I'm going to break my own rule".
1. w/w, Qxx, KJTx, xx, KQJ9. RHO opens 1♣. You?
2. r/w, 9xx, Tx, AKQx, Q9xx. LHO opens 1♠ and partner overcalls 3♥, pass by RHO. Raise or pass?
3. You hold a 3=2=6=2 21 count, open 2♣ and rebid 2N. You play in 3N off two aces for +460 and no push.
4. You take a slightly different line in 4♠ with a trump holding of K7xx opp QT98 and some handling problems. You take 11, he takes 10, so one IMP there.
5. r/w. AQxx, QJT, J8x, Axx. You choose to open 1♣. Partner bids 1N which you pass. LHI reopens with a x and RHO tries 2♥. Your call?
6. w/r, 9xx, Ax, Axx AJ7xx. You open 1♣ and partner bids 1♦. You?
7. You hold KQT9x x AKTxxx x. You open 1♦, he opens 1♠. Doesn't matter, you get to 4♠ opposite Axx Qxxx Qxx Kxx making 5.
8. You hold Q9x Kx QJ9x KQ9x. You and partner are silent. They bid 1C - 1S - 1N - 2D (nmf) - 2S - 4S. Your lead?
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-May-02, 19:43
2. Pass
3. Don't love 2N rebid with that shape but without being given a hand I'm obstaining. Depends on texture of the !D suit and the doubletons
4. Ok?
5. Passsssss
6. 1N
7. Despise 1D. 1S for life.
8. Kc
Posted 2016-May-02, 20:09
2. 4♥
3. Reasonable.
4. -
5. pass
6. 1NT
7. I like opening 1♦.
8. ♣K
Posted 2016-May-02, 21:15
2. Pass
3. ~
4. ~
5. Pass
6. 1NT
7. Open 1D
8. ♦Q
Posted 2016-May-02, 23:50
2) Pass, unless we have an agreement that 4♦ is a raise with concentrated strength
3) My preference is to rebid 3♦ with a hand like this, fully aware of the uncomfortable problems it can lead to. Depending on the honor structure of the hand, I might open 1♦, or 2NT
5) Pass
6) 1NT
7) Have always opened 1♦ with this type of hand. I regard it as close to an inviolate rule
8) ♦Q
Posted 2016-May-03, 01:00
Thiros, on 2016-May-02, 23:50, said:
2) Pass, unless we have an agreement that 4♦ is a raise with concentrated strength
3) My preference is to rebid 3♦ with a hand like this, fully aware of the uncomfortable problems it can lead to. Depending on the honor structure of the hand, I might open 1♦, or 2NT
5) Pass
6) 1NT
7) Have always opened 1♦ with this type of hand. I regard it as close to an inviolate rule
8) ♦Q
I really enjoyed the match. Wish I could get used to the 'reverse' declaring Never easy trying
to play bridge standing on your head (!)

- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2016-May-03, 01:36
Phil, on 2016-May-02, 19:01, said:
2. r/w, 9xx, Tx, AKQx, Q9xx. LHO opens 1♠ and partner overcalls 3♥, pass by RHO. Raise or pass?
5. r/w. AQxx, QJT, J8x, Axx. You choose to open 1♣. Partner bids 1N which you pass. LHI reopens with a x and RHO tries 2♥. Your call?
6. w/r, 9xx, Ax, Axx AJ7xx. You open 1♣ and partner bids 1♦. You?
2♣ of course

8. You hold Q9x Kx QJ9x KQ9x. You and partner are silent. They bid 1C - 1S - 1N - 2D (nmf) - 2S - 4S. Your lead?
Posted 2016-May-03, 01:39
PhilG007, on 2016-May-03, 01:00, said:
to play bridge standing on your head (!)

Couldn't agree more about the table layout using the web version. I've tried the web version and don't like playing on that version. I do all of my BBO playing using the windows version where declarer is rotated to the bottom and dummy at the top, with the suits sorted in columns like a real life dummy. BBO is losing money from me since I would probably play a lot of paid instant robot tournaments if I could play on the windows version.
Posted 2016-May-03, 02:03
#2 Pass
#5 Pass
#6 1NT
#8 Queen of diamond
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2016-May-03, 02:13
2: P
3: would depend on the texture, I might have opened 1♦
5: Would need to know what you respond 1N to 1♣ on, this is not the sort of system I play
6: 1N
7: I open 1♦ playing what I play, 1♠ I suspect playing what you play (for us 1♦-1♥-2♠ shows this hand pretty much exactly)
8: Q♦
Posted 2016-May-03, 02:16
1- Pass
2- Pass
3- I bid 3♦ instead of rebid-2nt
5- Pass
6- Rebid 1nt
7- I prefer opening 1♠.
8- ♦Q
Posted 2016-May-03, 02:39
johnu, on 2016-May-03, 01:39, said:
I suppose that the only solution to please everyone is to allow it to be user-configurable (which I think is sensible). Because I much prefer the current regime of being re-sat in the North seat when North declares, When this was last discussed in the forums, those in authority had come to the view that mine is the majority preference. That being the case, for as long as they do not allow the user the choice, they are losing the least amount of money overall with the current setup.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-May-03, 02:40
2nd one is close but I feel like we have too high a chance losing 4 off the top.
Posted 2016-May-03, 03:34
I overcalled 1♥, Phil G passed.
I feel pretty strongly about 1♥. It generally fits Cherdano's matrix for making a 4 card overcall (Good texture / length in RHO's and about an opening hand).
The entire hand: (what's the easiest way to export a hand from "My Hands"?)
GIB has a normal 2♦ call and I suppose it felt 'endplayed' into bidding 2N.
As you can see, a heart lead / club shift leads to a pretty easy beat, so I was +50.
After a PhilG's, GIB decided to make a normal invite opposite a weak NT. 3♦ should make 10 tricks on normal defense, but one slipped through and he was -150.
+5 to me. Running score Phil 5, PhilG007 0.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-May-03, 03:42
I passed and PhilG bid 4♥. Partner (IMO) had a pretty sound preempt with ♥AKQxxxx, but the off suit mesh was poor and there are four cashing tricks for the defense. When trump went 4-0, there were 5, so I was -100 and he was -200. 3 more to me. Running score: Phil 8, PhilG007 0.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-May-03, 04:04
the interesting hand i think is xxx ax axx ajxxx. i'd raise to 2d. i don't want to declare this.
Posted 2016-May-03, 08:29
Posted 2016-May-03, 08:37
TylerE, on 2016-May-03, 08:29, said:
I think he assumed most would understand that this was the challenge match mentioned in the "Is it me" thread. Diana explained there how these matches work.