What would you lead against this? Also, if your first choice suit were prohibited, what would be your second choice? Butler IMPs.
Your lead(s)
Posted 2015-August-07, 18:06
What would you lead against this? Also, if your first choice suit were prohibited, what would be your second choice? Butler IMPs.
Posted 2015-August-07, 21:01
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-August-07, 22:19
Posted 2015-August-08, 03:28
Posted 2015-August-08, 06:00
## West has [6 J97653 J85 962]
## North has 10-16 HCP, and exactly 5 spades.
## North doesn't have 4+H, 5+m or a 5044
## South can have 13 HCP and a 5+m. Otherwise 14-16 HCP.
## South is semi-balanced* with exactly 2 spades or 4333 shape.
## (*includes all 6m & 5M hands without a shortage, including all 6322 & 5422s).
Results: http://imgur.com/OKaOiPA
My main conclusion is that because the minors suits sit so favourably for declarer, 3NT always almost makes and your lead is rarely going to matter.
However, it does seems like leading either of the minors (pretty much at random) is your best option.
Finally, here a sample of the first 10 (random) hands where a club lead is the only lead to beat the contract.
Posted 2015-August-08, 06:29
Btw Wesley, I really appreciate your regular sims and your scruples to give their parameters.
Posted 2015-August-08, 06:58
Jinksy, on 2015-August-08, 06:29, said:
Cheers Jinksy, as usual you shouldn't take this sim as conclusive proof.
But especially an abstract situation like this, unless you can find a serious problem with the conditions, I'd trust these result over most hand waving arguments.

Posted 2015-August-08, 08:19

Posted 2015-August-08, 09:48
At MPs the club was a clear winner by a small margin (71% chance of still being able to achieve par after a club lead, vs. 68% for a diamond, 66% for the spade, and 64% for the heart). At IMPs it was pretty much a tie between a low club and low diamond, with an average loss vs. par of 0.98 imps. A low heart was -1.05, and a low spade was -1.18, almost as bad as the DJ or HJ.
I had a 6% chance of setting the contract with a heart, diamond, or club, only 4% with the spade.
If dummy is not going to have a singleton heart, the chances of running hearts get far better (partner has 3 hearts, or has 2 high hearts and good enough diamonds the DJ is an entry). Correspondingly the chance of a spade being safe is hurt when opener can be 3433 (and I think he can be.)
Posted 2015-August-08, 10:16
Siegmund, on 2015-August-08, 09:48, said:
I don't buy this. For Hs to be setuppable with 2, they'd have to be the AK. Then for Ds to be good enough to put me in, he needs AKQx and an outside entry, or A(K/Q)x and two outside entries. I don't see the opps bidding game missing all that.
Posted 2015-August-08, 11:48
(Not allowing 2254/2245 removes a whole lot of the hands where a heart lead is successful - which pretty much needs opener to either have a doubleton or not have an honor.)
Posted 2015-August-08, 21:07
DD analysis for [62 J9763 J85 962] is:
Posted 2015-August-09, 07:41
Posted 2015-August-09, 09:24