SBU UI Peebles Summer Congress
Posted 2015-August-01, 20:21
A slow double, of course, clarifies things, since it is only a very weak suggestion of penalties.
The failure to bid 2NT is very odd though, since surely "everybody" plays this as a 2-suite. Except when it is slow, when of course it is to play

Posted 2015-August-02, 03:26
Posted 2015-August-02, 03:56
Vampyr, on 2015-August-01, 20:21, said:

I think you meant 4NT, but South might have thought it showed the minors without realising that he could correct 5C to 5D.
Posted 2015-August-02, 05:10
Posted 2015-August-02, 05:35
Cyberyeti, on 2015-August-02, 05:10, said:
Well, there was once an agreement, but In any case a slow double tends not to be purely penalty. Or as in this case, not remotely for penalty.
I had the same problem as Frances, and so pretended that I was taking the place of a North who had suffered a fatal heart attack midway through the auction. I would now pass, and have a sharp word with my partner afterwards.
EDIT: would love to hear from those who imagine that Pass is not suggested over 5♥. Well, maybe they have never heard of this double being played as penalty, but I have.
Posted 2015-August-02, 08:27
Posted 2015-August-02, 08:31
Vampyr, on 2015-August-02, 05:35, said:
Indeed, many club players play double of 4S as penalties, with 4NT takeout. It seems that this North-South have better methods; doubling immediately is penalties, and a slow double is takeout. I recall an L&E edict that a slow double indicated that one did not want it passed, while I slow pass indicated that one did not want the auction to end. Maybe an L&E member can quote the relevant minute.
Posted 2015-August-02, 08:35
nige1, on 2015-August-01, 18:58, said:
The East hand looks like a strong four to me, which suggests that the double is penalties. And West's pass of 5Hx looks barking. And if 4NT would have shown any 2-suiter, why did South not choose it?
Posted 2015-August-02, 08:47
The wording of the first poll is also tricky. Peer poll members choose a call, and may select other calls which they gave serious consideration. From that, it is determined whether the action chosen at the table has logical alternatives; the individual pollee does not get to decide what what the LA's are.
If I were polled, given what is written on their card, I would conclude their methods are that double is not "penalty" but most likely is directionless and card-showing, that since they have a 2-suited call the actual South hand is not possible. I would choose pass, and would consider 4nt with 2 places of play of my own.
5♥ would not even be on my radar. Not passing could demonstrably have been suggested over passing. I would rule 4♠ x to be the contract.
Posted 2015-August-02, 08:55
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2015-August-02, 09:14
blackshoe, on 2015-August-02, 08:55, said:
Interesting question. The slowness, and South's actual hand both suggest he forgot their agreement; and North's choice of 5♥ could have been suggested by the slowness. In fact, the choice of specifically 5♥ brings out the cynic in me which I would have to try not to let affect the ruling.
Posted 2015-August-02, 09:16
If I am right about this, the hesitation means nothing. It also means that 4NT for North likely does not exist. If I am wrong, and the partnership do know what they are doing, then things are different.
I'd also like to know the scoring, IMPs or MPs, because that makes quite a difference.
Posted 2015-August-02, 10:10
StevenG, on 2015-August-02, 09:16, said:
We are told in the OP that 4NT showed a two-suiter, and we should accept the finding of fact by the TD.
Posted 2015-August-02, 11:49
StevenG, on 2015-August-02, 10:49, said:
Ah, I understand. You meant in response to the takeout double. I don't think that matters, as bidding anything on the North hand is demonstrably suggested by the UI. My point was that 4NT by South seems obvious, given that the card showed that 4NT was a 2-suiter.
Posted 2015-August-02, 11:53
edit: sorry posted while lamford was posting
Posted 2015-August-02, 11:57
lamford, on 2015-August-02, 11:49, said:
Is it? why?
There's an argument that says South gave North UI, we don't know what it suggests, but North pulled on a hand where most people passed, and lo and behold South had a hand where he would have ben delighted for North to bid.
But I can't see why a slow double on this auction demonstrably suggests bidding, in general. It hugely depends on the players involved. Considering various people I play with, a slow double shows either (i) a hand that has balanced high cards and doesn't want me to bid; (ii) a light take-out double that is desperate for me not to pass and was thinking of passing, (iii) a single or two suiter that couldn't decide between bid and double.
that's the problem with the laws - I also know which is which for the various people I play with, so I know what a slow double demonstrably suggests (which is why my partners try hard to act in tempo here, or in particular to double in tempo, and why we all obey the stop warning on this sequence). But for this pair, we have only the evidence of this one hand. And the poll doesn't help, because in my usual partnerships the one hand South can't possible have - slow double or not - is the one he actually has.
Posted 2015-August-02, 12:30
FrancesHinden, on 2015-August-02, 11:57, said:
I agree, but we have to make do with that. In the case of a psyche, in the most egregious of cases we can rule "red" based on one hand and adjust the score because we deem a CPU. Should it not be a similar principle here? - the combination of the double and pull is evidence of a CPU from previous experience. We have South making a slow takeout double, and North not passing with a balanced hand with an ace. Given that South had 4NT available, and on the card, that would make the double likely to be passed more often than not. A slow double suggests that South does not want the auction to end, and that is the UI. It suggests not passing with a balanced hand. One could even rule that Double was a psyche, because 4NT was available, and North fielded it by bidding 5H. But that would not be my approach. I would rule that "not passing" was demonstrably suggested by the BIT.
Posted 2015-August-02, 13:15
lamford, on 2015-August-02, 12:30, said:
is this case egregious? what makes a case egregious? if it's not egregious, should we still rule violation of 16B3?
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
EW are experts. NS are unknown to my informant.
5♥X made and East called the TD at the end of play.
At the table, neither North not South knew what was their agreement about the double.
The TD read the NS convention card, which stated that immediately over weak 4s:
- double is takeout.
- 4N would have showed a 2-suiter.
No poll.
How would you rule?