You arrive at the club for the annual mixed pairs championship. Unfortunately, owing to last-minute illnesses, Tory austerity cuts or something, the ten pairs that had signed up have dwindled to seven, but the duty director soon has a four-table Howell movement underway. As you aren't directing tonight you can concentrate on playing. All goes smoothly until the director is called to another table. You overhear her say "...and that's a minor penalty card..." and can't help thinking to yourself "I bet it isn't" as you concentrate on the hand you're playing. Sure enough, the director is soon called back to the table, there's some more discussion, and then she comes over to you as you are finishing the hand and asks if you can come and help.
Of course you can. This is what you find:
South led
♦J to the ace. North returned the six to declarer's king.
East led ace and another spade. South went up with the jack and led the
♥3 before realising her partner had won the last trick.
The TD gave East the option of accepting the lead, and when he didn't declared
♥3 a minor penalty card, gave East some lead options but said the penalty card did not have to played at the first legal opportunity.
East forbade a heart lead, North led
♦4 and South ruffed. At this point the players call the director back and question the ruling. She realises she got it wrong and asks you to take over.
What do you do now?