Posted 2014-October-06, 14:02
You did not tell us how strong West 1NT rebid was.
Nevertheless we know that hearts are likely 5-3 and East can not have much besides the ♣Q for his pass.
So all major suit finesses will not work. It is odds on that West has ♥AQ and ♠KJ and it seems very unlikely that East is short in diamonds.
So I will start on diamonds.
If West can ruff the third diamond it will be with a natural trump trick.
If he does he can only return another club or he is end-played in the majors.
I will ruff and play a fourth diamond and discard a heart whether West ruffs or not. Otherwise I will continue with a cross ruff.
If West ruffs he is end-played.
If he returns the ♠K I win and ruff another club, establishing the fifth club in dummy.
Should diamonds be 3-3 or West does not ruff I will now ruff a second club myself.
If West over-ruffs he is end-played in the majors. If not I will endplay him in trumps by playing ♠A and the ♠queen next.
I think the defense has no chance.
Rainer Herrmann