This hand is from a State Level IMP Swiss Pairs Tournament. The opponents play ACOL.
I was West and over 3H I chose not to jump to 4S to avoid giving partner a 5 level problem.
My plan was to bid 4S over 4H on the next round in almost all cases (including through (4H) x ).
As the hand played out, partner hesitated over 4H before passing.
I bid 4S reasoning that pass wasn't a logical alternative, (in particular against this north).
I also thought that partner's hesitation didn't necessarily suggest bidding and that partner's pass was more likely to be a double vs pass situation than a choice between 4S and pass.
Over 4S, North unsuccessfully chose to continue with 5H however the director adjusted the score from 5Hx -2 to 4H undoubled -1.
Is this ruling correct?