FrancesHinden, on 2014-August-02, 02:15, said:
Maybe I've not had enough sleep, because I must be missing something.
If the club finesse is right, I need take it now ( I can duck if West covers the 10 with the king) and if the 10 holds I can play a heart to guarantee 9 tricks.
If the club finesse is wrong, I only seem to have 7 tricks (3+1+2+1). If the club is wrong I always had 5 losers anyway.
Yes this was the winning line. Declarer did not spot that he could duck the ten of clubs if lho covered it.
The full deal was:
instead at this point declarer continued hearts to set up his heart tric, and the defence played a diamond which you are forced to win. The position is now:
So if declarer cashes both his major suit winners he single suit squeezes dummy, so he ended up not cashing his fifth heart after all.
The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. - Sheldon Cooper