A seemingly simple question that I have a problem with: 2 card end play situation. Declarer (South) plays from hand his last trump (♥6). Before West plays, the dummy separates the ♦10 and places it in front of the other diamond. The declarer made no indication whatsoever to the dummy. East immediately plays the ♦Q. Declarer calls the director immediately. What to rule?
My interpretation: According to 45A, the dummy is an exception. The dummy separating a card and placing it anywhere does not make the card "played". As the declarer did not designate, even incompletely, a card from dummy, the dummy did not play a card (45B). Thus, East exposed a card out of turn. This is an unauthorized information for West. According to 16D, he must discard a club: He knows that there are two clubs and a diamond left. East discarding the ♦Q clears up the situation, i.e. West now knows that there can be no diamonds held by the declarer and he can safely discard the king of diamonds. Before seeing the ♦Q, he had to guess. Thus, he has two realistic alternatives and he must choose the one not suggested by East.
How would you rule?