Our system is somewhat bent weak NT Acol with all suit openers showing 4.
2N was good 19-21 and I couldn't see any reason to go beyond 4♥ with my bald 11 with lots of black suit losers, slam is cold if trumps are 3-2.
This hand was interesting, I decided we needed a swing so punted a 6♠ that I felt could be cold but was unlikely to be without play, and that I felt I had no more sensible way of proceeding towards. We had agreed that 3♠ was forcing, but not whether it was better than 4♠, or merely a suggestion to play spades with something like AQ, xxx, xxx, AQJxx as you would wish to opposite KJxxx, xxx, A, Kxxx but not xxxxx, AKQ, x, Kxxx. We open the minor with 4M4m so 3♣ showed a 5th spade. All I knew was that partner almost certainly had exactly 3 spades from the lack of other bids, and around the strength he actually held. As the play actually went, I didn't need to find anything, A♥ led, K ruffed out from the other hand establishing Q, clubs 5-0 and the hand ruffed in when I led small towards dummy.
I couldn't see anything sensible to do over 4♥, we don't play 5N as PAS, 2♣ is 9+ with 5 or 10-12 with a 3334, 4♥ is good raise to 5♣ with a heart control, spades could have been wide open, but if they were, I felt I might just get a heart lead and dispose of them opposite say xx, AK, KQxxx, QJxx.
Any suggestions for improvements ?