blackshoe, on 2013-January-25, 23:40, said:
As a general rule, if you disagree with a TD's ruling, accept it graciously, and then appeal. If it's a club, and you think the TD has it in for you or your partner, take it up with club management. If the outcome of that does not satisfy you, find another club.
I went back to take a look at OP together with the latest developments.
Law 68 A said:
so there is no doubt that the player claimed
Law 68 C said:
Introduction said:
so failing to immediately state that the player had sufficient top tricks ("aces") to take all remaining tricks when this is obvious is no reason to award any trick to opponents.
I have had this situation many times, both as claimer, as opponent and as director.
In each and every case the fact that the number of "aces" matches the number of remaining tricks with no communication problem (or in case is insufficient!) is simply clarified, and everybody is happy about a result giving claimer the number of tricks matching the number of "aces" he has.
IMHO this case has blown way out of proportions.