I have read the online instructions for making a bridge movie using the hand editor, and there is one thing that I still don't know how to do. I'd like to make a movie of a hand which is played to the end, but with West and East hands hidden, so the EW cards only come into view each time you hit the Next button.
Is this possible?
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Hand editor question
Posted 2012-December-26, 06:00
I found the answer.
"The k (for kibitz) parameter, when used, instructs the Handviewer to show only one of the 4 hands (plus the dummy after the opening lead is made). The k parameter can take values of n, s, e, or w to specify kibitzing North, South, East, or West respectively."

"The k (for kibitz) parameter, when used, instructs the Handviewer to show only one of the 4 hands (plus the dummy after the opening lead is made). The k parameter can take values of n, s, e, or w to specify kibitzing North, South, East, or West respectively."
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