6 card suit second position vulnerable
Posted 2012-May-26, 07:17
Hand 2, MPs, Unvavourable, RHO passes
Posted 2012-May-28, 20:44
Posted 2012-May-28, 23:18
2S at this vul on board 2
Posted 2012-May-29, 10:12
Oh no wait, the opposite: open 2D and 1S, then double 2D!
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-May-29, 11:08
Hand # 1 - 11 HCP, but that includes a stiff K and a dangling J. 1 1/2 QTs, 8 losers -- so it looks like a weak 2 ♦ bid to me, but I wouldn't argue too much with a pass.
Hand # 2 - 10 HCP, but 2 QTs and a 6 loser hand. I'm counting the ♣ J at a full value as it has supporting intermediates. That's a 1 ♠ opener to me.
Posted 2012-May-29, 19:26
Posted 2012-May-29, 19:29
Statto, on 2012-May-29, 19:26, said:
not me. fwiw I just think it should show short d, not long h or extras.
pard should know we hve this type hand if we correct 2h to 2s and be this weakish
the trade off is we get to play more 2dx or compete more, but pard will not know when we have bigger hand.
But then we seldom hve big hands.
Posted 2012-May-29, 21:26
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Posted 2012-May-30, 03:47
mike777, on 2012-May-29, 19:29, said:
pard should know we hve this type hand if we correct 2h to 2s and be this weakish
the trade off is we get to play more 2dx or compete more, but pard will not know when we have bigger hand.
But then we seldom hve big hands.
That is the main reason why I would not reopen with a double.
I do not see how you show bigger hands.
For me I would hold at least
when I bid a third time opposite a partner, who has promised nothing.
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2012-May-30, 04:04
rhm, on 2012-May-30, 03:47, said:
I do not see how you show bigger hands.
For me I would hold at least
when I bid a third time opposite a partner, who has promised nothing.
Rainer Herrmann
fair pt I dont promise that....
you promise at least that and often more....
and so what?
Posted 2012-May-30, 04:13
rhm, on 2012-May-30, 03:47, said:
I do not see how you show bigger hands.
For me I would hold at least
when I bid a third time opposite a partner, who has promised nothing.
Rainer Herrmann
Yes. This is worthy of consideration when deciding whether to reopen with a double vs. rebidding one's suit. Instead of focussing on the possibility partner has a penalty pass, it might be better to focus on what we will be showing later when he doesn't.
Posted 2012-May-30, 06:12
Conversely, NV I would want to open them both at the 1 level. Not so much because of hands like this, but because I want to be able to open the weaker hands with a pre-empt, and want to keep a tightish range for the bid.
Posted 2012-May-30, 06:55
rhm, on 2012-May-30, 03:47, said:
I do not see how you show bigger hands.
For me I would hold at least
when I bid a third time opposite a partner, who has promised nothing.
Rainer Herrmann
We open 1S, lefty overcalls 2D and we reopen with a double. If partner now bids 2H, he was too weak to make a negative double. If so, where are all the HCP, we have only 10!
I think that this scenario is very unlikely, it is much more likely that partner passes or bids 2S. If partner does bid 2H I will convert to 2S anyway and hope to survive.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-May-30, 08:24
han, on 2012-May-30, 06:55, said:
I think that this scenario is very unlikely, it is much more likely that partner passes or bids 2S. If partner does bid 2H I will convert to 2S anyway and hope to survive.
Agree, it seems like its 70-80% that partner has a pen pass of 2d.
Posted 2012-May-30, 08:35
The open 1 or 2 decisions seem marginal style decisions, but the reopening decision is very interesting to me.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-May-30, 16:05
han, on 2012-May-30, 08:35, said:
The open 1 or 2 decisions seem marginal style decisions, but the reopening decision is very interesting to me.
I think exactly like Rainer on this one.
You are asking where are the hcps, and coming to conclusion that it is unlikely scenario that we may have to bid 2♠ when we start dbl. There are hands where pd has long diamonds but not enough to defeat them, which makes it very reasonable for overcaller's pd to pass with some hcps and shortness in his pd's suit. I am bidding 2♠ because i have 6 of them and i dont like my hand in defense. I also think when i dbl and then bid 2♠ anyway shows better hand. Playing this way i wont have to jump or do something different when i hold the same hand with lets say 15-16 hcp.
There are other things, premature doubles usually end up with opponents finding their real fit. We have Kx ♥ and if pd is not bidding hearts over our DBL, we are likely to defend 2♥ or 3♥ instead of playing 2♠ or perhaps defending 2♦ undoubled if we are one of those who passes 2♦
I am not very strong on this, if you doubled that i would not mind really, but since you asked i am telling my reasons.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-May-30, 18:14
han, on 2012-May-30, 08:35, said:
Partly - our hand is not well suited to defence. And even if we defeat 2♦X by 1 trick, it will score poorly if 2♠ was making. Also because X feels more like a 5314 shape than 6214. And X may lead to 3♣ which might not score as well as 2♠. If I'm going to pull 2♥ to 2♠, and doing so doesn't imply a better hand, then all the double does is give us the opportunity to defend 2♦X or play in 3♣, which on balance I think probably won't score as well as 2♠. I have a 6th ♠ and it's a reasonable suit, so I'll show it.
Opps may have a ♥ fit. Doubling allows them to find it at the 2 level, though I know either opp can X to imply ♥. Of course opps may compete over 2♠. If they compete to 3♦, partner can double for penalty if a good ♦ holding was the reason for the initial pass. I'd rather defend 3♦X than 2♦X

Posted 2012-May-30, 18:17
rhm, on 2012-May-30, 03:47, said:
I do not see how you show bigger hands.
For me I would hold at least
when I bid a third time opposite a partner, who has promised nothing.
Rainer Herrmann
Totally agree with this comment. I am not one of those who "hope to survive" when doubling on subminimum hands.