NT Opening announcement EBU
Posted 2012-April-04, 16:49
Posted 2012-April-04, 17:09
Vampyr, on 2012-April-04, 16:49, said:
Announcements are a matter of regulation so you really have to consult your (EBU?) regs for this question.
But my guess is that your regs are pretty similar (if not identical) to our Norwegian regs on announcements, and here the announcement on 1NT opening bids shall include the HCP strength and any special additional information like "can have 5 cards major".
So in Norway the announcement here must be (if I understand you correct): "14-16, can be down to 12 with at least 5 clubs".
Posted 2012-April-04, 18:20
In general, announcement of the NT range applies, IMO, to "normal" 1NT openings, that is, balanced hands (4333, 4432, or 5332) in some particular point range, so that the distinguishing characteristic of the bid is only the range. I think the EBU pretty much takes the same approach as the ACBL with regard to openings which don't fit these criteria for an announcement — they would instead require an alert. So this opening, which has a special criterion for part of the range, should IMO require an alert. But I would defer to actual EBU directors if they understand the EBU approach differently.

As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-April-04, 18:22
pran, on 2012-April-04, 17:09, said:
Right, sort of mentioned EBU and also that I checked the Orange book.
Was looking for EBU answers, but thanks for playing, chaps.
Posted 2012-April-04, 18:27

As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-April-04, 18:32
blackshoe, on 2012-April-04, 18:27, said:

Look, I'm sorry. I was just hoping for a definitive answer from those responsible for writing the regulations.
Posted 2012-April-04, 18:42
Vampyr, on 2012-April-04, 18:32, said:
Are you interested in what the regulation-writers think the regulation says, or what they think the regulation should say? Why should either of those answers be classed as "definitive"?
2§, 2¨ or 2© to a natural 1NT opening without intervention are either announced or
alerted except natural weak take-outs.
Posted 2012-April-04, 19:06
MickyB, on 2012-April-04, 18:42, said:
I want to tell the player what the "right" answer is. Which is, I guess, what they think it says.
Anyway, I think that the artificial/alert thing is right too, but I wanted to make sure because the player seemed somewhat resistant to the idea of alerting, and was convinced that announcing 12-16 was correct. He would change if he found he was mistaken, obviously, and I thought that perhaps word from on high would be reasonable evidence.
Also, I did not get all the information I needed, because I wonder if it makes a difference if 12-13 is balanced with clubs.
Posted 2012-April-04, 19:28
Vampyr, on 2012-April-04, 18:32, said:
And you may yet get one.

This is the internet. We (Sven and I) just happened to see your post first. We thought we had something useful to contribute (well, I did, anyway

As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2012-April-05, 02:10
The Norwegian regulation (effective July 1st 2011) specifies explicitly that opening bids in the range 1NT - 2♠ shall never be alerted but always announced (by the opener's partner). The announcement shall include the information that is (to be) found in the system declaration card.
With 1NT the announcement shall include HCP range (e.g. "12-14" or "14 good to 17") and any special distribution possibilities.
Posted 2012-April-05, 03:00
Anyway, I think the treatment is unusual enough to require an alert.
If playing in a club where announcements are still used, announcing it as "12-16" is clearly misleading. You have to provide full disclosure. So either announce it with the full explanation (if you consider it a natural 1NT bid) or alert it (if you consider it artificial).
Posted 2012-April-05, 03:09
helene_t, on 2012-April-05, 03:00, said:
Which "we"?
Did I miss a memo?
"Robin Barker is a mathematician. ... All highly skilled in their respective fields and clearly accomplished bridge players."
Posted 2012-April-05, 03:15
Vampyr, on 2012-April-04, 16:49, said:
Disclaimer: I have not been involved in writing the regulations and am in no position to give you a definitive answer. Having said that:
As MickyB says, you can start with
OB 5C said:
5 C 1 Natural 1NT openings are announced by stating the range, eg by saying “12 to 14”.
5 C 2 Where a 1NT opening which is in principle natural may be made by agreement on some hands which contain a singleton, it is announced by stating the range followed by “possible singleton”.
5 C 6 All 1NT openings are announced (if natural) or alerted (if artificial).
which is amplified by
5 F 1 The following are considered ‘natural’ for alerting purposes:
(b) A bid of no trumps which shows a preparedness to play in no trumps, and which conveys no unusual information about suit holdings; it must not be forcing unless a forcing auction has already been created. Note that certain ostensibly natural no trump bids are permitted to allow a shortage by agreement.
I think, therefore, that the first question to ask (OB 5 C 6) is: Natural or Artificial? If the "12-13 with ♣" option is not restricted to hands which would be regarded as natural 1NT openings if they were the only option, then I think it's clear that the criteria in 5 F 1 (b) are not met and the opening should be alerted.
If the option is so restricted, so that in effect you've got an extension of a natural 14-16 range together with a selection from the natural 12-13 range that is limited to hands with some (undefined by you) sort of ♣ suit, then arguably it could be announceable, and the sensible announcement would be "14-16 or 12-13 with ♣" (NB OB 5A4: "Announcements are not intended to provide comprehensive explanations – matters of detail will still be disclosed by means of information on convention cards and the answers to questions"). However, it's still questionable whether the bid "conveys ... unusual information about suit holdings", and I would have thought it should be safe to alert even in this case too. The downside is that this says that the NT opening is "artificial", and a picky opposition who don't ask might complain when the hand in question turns out to be one that conforms to the natural NT opening parameters.
5 E 1 Passes and bids
Unless it is announceable (see 5 C and 5 D), a pass or bid must be alerted if
(a) it is not natural; or
(b) it is natural but has a potentially unexpected meaning.
Finally, it seems to me that the familiar 5 E 1 (b) (alert if it's natural but has a potentially unexpected meaning) is essentially irrelevant, since it only kicks in if the bid is not announceable (first words of 5 E 1), and in that event it's alertable anyway under 5 C 6.
Posted 2012-April-05, 03:57
Posted 2012-April-05, 03:57
Luckily, though, we don't have to bend any rules. When announcing, the rules require you to "state a range", but they don't specify that it should be a range only of high-card points. It is proper to announce it as "14-16, or 12-16 with clubs" or "12-16, but if 12-13 he will have clubs".
I had an official response from the L&EC about a similar question a few years ago. I wrote to them asking how I should announce a 1NT opening which was 15-17 if 4333/4432, but would routinely be a 5332 14-count or a 6322 13-count. I was advised to announce it as "15-17; maybe slightly less with a 6-card minor", with the comment that "we don't specify the exact form of words which must be used".
Posted 2012-April-05, 04:09
RMB1, on 2012-April-05, 03:09, said:
Did I miss a memo?
hmmm our td in Leeds told me. But I can't find it anywhere on the EBU site. So I guess I was wrong.
Posted 2012-April-05, 04:17
helene_t, on 2012-April-05, 04:09, said:
Maybe your Leeds club has decided not to use announcements any more, though it would seem a surprising decision. Or maybe your TD just got it wrong.
London UK
Posted 2012-April-05, 04:33
Posted 2012-April-05, 06:07
The main thing to remember is that when giving information to opponents you are meant to be helpful because this is a game in which partnership agreements are freely available to opponents. So if you can find a form of wording that makes it clear to opponents without confusing them or being too long, great, use that as an announcement.
Merseyside England UK
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