And hearts to not be 4-1.
can you bid this one?
Posted 2012-February-15, 00:52
Statto, on 2012-February-14, 22:37, said:
Just needs South to have ♦K for their opening bid (or not lead them) and ♠ not 3-0 offside. Not frigid, but pretty chilly
This brings up a good point. The K♦ does not have to be to declarer's left...
There is a big difference between a good decision and a good result. Let's keep our posts about good decisions rather than "gotcha" results!
Posted 2012-February-15, 00:57
Cyberyeti, on 2012-February-14, 05:19, said:
I'm very inclined to bid 2♠ over the double with the E hand rather than 1♠. Why ? well offensively, if partner has anything other than a GOSH then it's worth it (and may be worth it opposite a GOSH in ♥). Give pard as little as A10xx, A10xx, x, Axxx and game isn't bad.
If you bid 2♠, the only thing that might stop you would be whether W asked for Q♠ and whether E showed it.
If you bid 2♠, the only thing that might stop you would be whether W asked for Q♠ and whether E showed it.
If you bid 2S as an advance to a takeout double of 1D with that, I will congratulate you with the same sincerity Blackshoe had when congratulating jilly's pass in response to 1D on the other thread.
"Bidding Spades to show spades can work well." (Kenberg)
Posted 2012-February-15, 05:55
aguahombre, on 2012-February-15, 00:57, said:
If you bid 2S as an advance to a takeout double of 1D with that, I will congratulate you with the same sincerity Blackshoe had when congratulating jilly's pass in response to 1D on the other thread.
I reassessed my responses to a takeout double a long time ago, I can't remember which expert wrote the article, but he gave a 6133 hand with maybe an 8 or 9 count in response to 1♥-X and said that stopping below 4♠ was silly and looked at a load of minimum-ish doubles opposite.
When you expect partner to have 4 cards in your suit and you have 6, you have the ability to generate more tricks than your side expects on offense and less on defence, the two extra spades versus a normal ToX are 2 tricks, you'd bid 2♠ if you had two extra kings. It only breaks down if partner doesn't have spades and you defend.