Upvoting and Downvoting
Posted 2011-June-20, 12:48
Whenever I see a post that has been downvoted for no obvious reason, I will upvote it to cancel the downvote.
I have already done this in 3 instances today.
Certain posters are using the downvote in an entirely irrational manner. I have not figured out yet whether it is retaliatory or just plain irrational. In any event, whenever I find one of these irrational downvotes, I will upvote to eliminate it.
Posted 2011-June-20, 13:04
I notice as I type this that the OP already has 1 downvote (voted back up)
Posted 2011-June-20, 13:11
Posted 2011-June-20, 13:17
You should only upvote posts you want to upvote, and downvote posts you want to downvote. If all we do is upvote or downvote when we think a post is neutral but has strayed from neutral reputation, then the integrity of the reputation system gets compromised.
Imagine this scenario:
I make a post, and 5 people hate it, 5 people are ok with it, and 1 person really likes it.
Under your system, a person who hates it downvotes me. Another person who thinks it's ok (but not good) upvotes me because he thinks I deserve 0 rep. This happens back and forth 5 times, and then 1 person who likes it upvotes me to a final rep of 1. Why should I finish positive on a post where there were 5 times as many people who hated it as who liked it?
Now take the same number of people, but the 1 person who liked it read it first and upvoted me. Now the 5 people who are ok with it read it and decide it is not worth +1, so they make it 0. Then the 5 people who hate it read it and then make me finish with -5 rep.
This is a 6-rep swing based just on the order of people who read my post.
If your point is that you think some people's "rep" votes should count more than others', so that random up/downvotes count less than up/downvotes from regular/highly repped posters, then I agree and this has been stated by others. However that is not the current system which is implemented, and trying to artificially create that system by abusing your ability to rep is not the way to go.
Obviously for this hypothetical post which 5 people hate and 1 person likes I deserve -4 rep. If we just do what you are doing, then the integrity of the reps get compromised. Something like what you are suggesting only makes sense if you think your opinion is more important than other people's. While I guess that is true for most people, it is obviously bad for the general public, on average, to support this kind of behavior.
Posted 2011-June-20, 13:22
I have seen a number of truly inoffensive posts that get downvoted for no obvious reason. If my upvote to eliminate those random downvotes makes me the downvoting police, so be it.
I never understood the rationale behind the upvoting and downvoting of posts anyway. There are many more constructive ways to make your opinions known.
rogerclee, on 2011-June-20, 13:17, said:
Integrity of the reputation system? You have got to be kidding.
By the way, I am not downvoting your post, although I find it to be silly.
Posted 2011-June-20, 13:23
Posted 2011-June-20, 13:41
manudude03, on 2011-June-20, 13:23, said:
The whole situation is funny, especially since one of those people who randomly downvote posts for no reason had, until recently, a request in their profile to explain any downvotes they may have received. hypocritical much?
I would just as soon see the whole reputation voting mechanism tossed out the window. It's akin to the bbo star system. You have some really excellent players with high reps now, which is great; but you also have some clowns who somehow managed to trick people into giving them lots of upvotes. The fact that there are several posters on here whose bridge is much much much better than mine; people who make coherent, informative comments and arguments, and who post a lot, yet have reps lower than or close to mine is ridiculous.
that said, I'm not encouraging anyone to downvote me

Posted 2011-June-20, 14:29
Posted 2011-June-20, 14:30
Posted 2011-June-20, 14:33
Posted 2011-June-20, 14:50
I would understand the concern if it showed up under username when one posts, but I don't think it does (unless I'm missing it and then would appreciate it).
I will admit that I was one of those interpreting the +/- votes as "agree/disagree", not as "agree/you're inappropriate" as others seem to, and so will amend my use of the - if that's the group consensus.
I also think that it would be nice to be able to take back one's +/- votes, especially after a post is edited. For example, PlayerX might make a post that says "Bridge is a wonderful complex game", and it could be upvoted a bunch. He could then change his post to read "I hate Fred", and then all those who upvoted would appear to be on record as upvoting the second post. In other words, it would be nice if one could take back one's +/- vote if one changes one's mind.
Posted 2011-June-20, 14:55
George Carlin
Posted 2011-June-20, 15:01
If someone expresses his opinion, tries to state arguments and avoids personal attacks, than I think that post is ok, even if I disagree with the poster.
When I see that such a post was downvoted for apparently no reason, I get this "Even if I think you are wrong, I'll support your right to state your opinion without being punished!" feeling.
Votes should mean something, but a lot of the voting I have seen, does not meet such a standard.
If people downvote for "a long intrest list", "bad english" or "wrong forum" the downvotes mean next to nothing and the only thing you can do about that is upvote such posts and and make the upvotes and the whole voting system meaningless.
Posted 2011-June-20, 15:04
gwnn, on 2011-June-20, 14:55, said:
Thank you, I didn't know that.
But I still don't really understand what overall reputation is good for. I mean, I guess it's good for newbies who see conflicting posts and are trying to decide who to believe, but better would be to just see the voting on those individual posts.
In other words, I like having both up and down voting, with names attached as they are now, but would prefer if overall up/down votes were not counted cumulatively, and that people could give as many as they thought appropriate for any amount of time, and could undo their up/down votes if they change their mind or more commonly, misclick (as I've already seen one person claim to do).
Posted 2011-June-20, 15:05
ArtK78, on 2011-June-20, 12:48, said:
Certain posters are using the downvote in an entirely irrational manner.
How do you know who these folks are ?
EDIT: Nevermind... I just found out . I just clicked on the "vote" and up popped up the perpetrators.
I may have to go on a mission .
This post has been edited by TWO4BRIDGE: 2011-June-20, 15:41
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-June-20, 15:32
I was wondering how my "Reputation" was arrived at.
I see now it is determined by the up/down voting in the posts.
And thx gwnn.... for putting me on to that "little green arrow" for a quick check on my status.
Looks like I'm the only one here "in the red" ( a whopping - 9 ) on Reputation .
[ Everyone else seems to be "in the green ( like at least + single digit to + 125 for gwnn ) ]
I never paid much attention to the +/- on the posts, but I will now.
In fact I got a search list of all my posts to check back.
I see I had one post where I suggested a SPLINTER instead of jumping to game.
I thought it was brilliant, but ----- it cost me - 4 ... downvotes.
Either they hate me or they hate splinters .... or both .
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-June-20, 16:10
Posted 2011-June-20, 17:43
On the other hand, if he is talking about following the jonottawa/hotshot strategy of voting to cancel out normal votes just because he personally wouldn't have made that vote, I agree with Roger that this just seems pretty egotistical, 'nobody is allowed to vote on a post unless I myself approve' ... whatever.
Anyway at the end of the day this upvoting and downvoting is not such a big deal, I do think however that if the plan for votes was to advertise posts with high votes in BBO that this will not work. It doesn't happen that posts with excellent bridge content get many upvotes, the funny posts or posts making a non-bridge point people agree with seem to get the most votes.