In the auction, 2NT was not alerted by North, and after the 3NT call, east asked the meaning of 2NT. North explained it was "natural, 10-12HCP". East doubled and the auction proceded to 5Cx
A♠ was led and when dummy hit, the director was called by east. No announcement of misinformation was given by south before the lead was made. East explained that he felt bidding on after 3NTx by south was UI.
Director told us to play the board and call her back if we felt we were damaged.
N/S made 550, their teammates playing E/W made 650.
Director was called for damages.
Director changed the result to 5C making 5 +400 for N/S
I was east, and decided not to file an appeal as we won the round with 25VP and even if this result changed to give us 30VP, we would still be in 2nd place overall, nothing would change.
Was the table ruling proper? If appealing would have made a difference, should I have filed?
PS. please no comments on the bidding... there were plenty of bad calls made