WellSpyder, on 2015-March-05, 10:44, said:
That is true for those claiming that global warming is a hoax; that mankind has had absolutely no effect (being all natural), and those claiming catstrophic warming will occur; that mankind is the sole cause (no natural influence). My personal favorite are the clowns over at skeptical science who state that natural cooling has been reigning in the warming potential of CO2, and that global temperatures should have risen much more over the past century, solely due to rising CO2 levels.
In reality, the truth lies somewhere in between (as in most stories that ignore the facts). Much research has gone into determing how much of the recent warming can be attributed to natural causes (solar, volcanic, and oceanic cycles) compared to those that are manmade (deforestation, urbanization, pollution, albedo changes, and, of course, burning carbon-based fuels). When listening to either extreme, they tend to focus on how the opposite causes sould not possibly results in the observed warming, rather than how their own causes could. If the warming could be attributed soley to one cause, then it would be easy to ascertain. When you listen to most scientists (as opposite to various politicians or activists), they will tell you that the warming is due to a combination of several factors, some of which we are just now starting to understand. While some may claim that they know the influence of these many factors, most will acknowledge the large uncertainty to which we really comprehend the climate of this planet. Many seem to gravitate to a 50:50 natural vs. manmade inlfuence, but this is really more of a cope out due to the many unknowns that exist, rather than an inate understand of the process. Scientists in particular fields tend to overemphasize the influence to climate from their area compared to others. Hence, astrophysicists tend to focus more on solar influences, than vulcanologists, hydrologists, geologists, meteorologists, etc.
When you compare the claims of those on either extreme in this debate to the actual data, you see that neither side represents reality very well. The Earth has been warming at an average rate of ~0.6C/century for 135 years, based on our best temperature measurements. Prior to that, the data is more uncertain, although the warming appears to have started near the beginning of the 19th century. This rate has oscillated between higher rates and no warming (even slight cooling), with about 60-year cycles imbedded within. Much research has gone into this cyclicality also (is it real or a figment of the data).
Those claiming that the warming has stopped, tend to use the last 17 years or so as evidence, while those claiming accelerated warming is occurring, tend to use the previous 17-year period. If you glance at the temperature plot over the past 135 years, you will see that we currently reside very close to the long term trendline. Based on this trend, we would expect to experience another 0.5C of warming this century. Who is the bigger fraud, those claiming no warming will occur, or those claiming warming of twice that? Each would be wrong by the same value. Science deals in probabilites, and as such, both the no warming scenario or 1C warming could potentially occur by the year 2100. These just seem like the least likely scenarios.