wbartley, on 2018-June-14, 16:20, said:
Thank you for the web page. I have two questions.
1. Did you work from some sort of specification or did you reverse engineer LIN format from examples?
2. If you don't have a .LIN specification, would you be willing to publish the server side code that does the conversion so that I can streamline the creation of pbn output and conversion to lin format in a different program?
1. Did you work from some sort of specification or did you reverse engineer LIN format from examples?
2. If you don't have a .LIN specification, would you be willing to publish the server side code that does the conversion so that I can streamline the creation of pbn output and conversion to lin format in a different program?
Sorry about the long delay in replying, due to personal circumstances I haven't been on the BBO forum since June 2018.
BBO weren't willing to share a spec for LIN so I reverse engineered the commands I needed from examples on the web. The spec for PBN is publicly available on the web so that part was easy.
Yes, I'm happy to share my code with you so that you can make any improvements you like.
I have sent you a PM.