cannot see BBO NEWS
Posted 2009-January-22, 09:48
Posted 2009-January-22, 10:58
If windows, try this:
Start button -> Run
type in some url. say and press enter. Does it open that url in a browser?
Posted 2009-January-23, 06:42
yes windows and yes it does open the url in firefox( my default browser)
Posted 2009-January-23, 10:40
edit c:\bridge base online\bbover.ini
Let me know if that helps. It might.
What happens is that BBO embeds IE (even if your default browser is FF ) for things like lobby news popup, "Help me find a game" etc ( all the little popups that use the web ). I dont know why your system won't honor the request for IE. But the BROWSER_TYPE=E tells it to use an external browser instead of a popup.
If the BROWSER_TYPE=E thing doesn't work, change back to BROWSER_TYPE=C (or whatever it was) and let us know
Posted 2009-January-23, 16:51
Posted 2009-January-23, 17:24
Do you mean that the lobby news window does not appear at all or that it does appear but that it is empty?
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2009-January-23, 19:53
If you can it to either C or A (I suggest C) you will see the news again.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2009-January-24, 05:41
thank you very much Uday and Fred for your help!
Posted 2009-January-28, 11:48
John Nelson.
Posted 2009-January-28, 11:56
Rain, on Jan 28 2009, 05:48 PM, said:
Correct. This setting is not relavent to the web-based client (nor is anything else in the bbover.ini file).
If the news doesn't appear in the web-based client this likely means that either there is no news or that one of our servers is having a hard time. Neither of these states of affairs are especially likely. If it is a server problem it does not rate to last long.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2009-February-04, 22:06
1. Why imbed IE?
As a devout FF fan I try to avoid IE if at all possible.
2. If I open the web based BBO from FF then I get a new page rather than a new tab.
Can this be modified?
Thanks in advance for any advice/input.

Posted 2009-February-05, 16:23
Hairy_Scot, on Feb 4 2009, 11:06 PM, said:
Can this be modified?
Bookmark this: http://www.bridgebas...ient/client.php
Posted 2009-February-05, 16:41
Posted 2009-April-13, 09:22

when i log on to BBO the news page does not open and when i try to click on "Options" and "Show news" , only FFBBO news page appears. They show the announcement of the arrest of club in April 2008.
I tried to change
but I've no news page at all: neither in English or french
I'd like to find this as before FFBBO.
I enter through the main entrance and not by the entry of FFBO.
My version is 5.0.3 and the "Classic View" is unchecked
Thank you in advance for your help.

Posted 2009-October-09, 16:00
made no news option available.
puts news back
So switch to A if C doesnt work?
John Nelson.
Posted 2009-November-10, 02:37
E = There is no "options" Show News "
A - B or C = News in French, that is to say for over a year this:
La fédération Francaise de Bridge en partenariat avec BBO a créé FFBBO,site de bridge sur internet destiné à ses licenciés.Il a été mis en ligne en fevrier 2007.Devant le manque de fréquentation de ce site depuis son lancement,la FFB a décidé de ne pas poursuivre cette experience.
En conséquence,le site FFBBO ne sera plus actif à compter du 30 Avril 2008
Please, I'd like to find the news
Posted 2013-October-16, 19:37
The other night I got the same message when I'd just finished a team match and it didn't show the results. It didn't matter as we knew what they were and the movie recap was there anyway but it's all quite odd. I did try to get the page several times, just to see; the third time it came up as usual. I am one of the download holdouts and wondered if that was the reason, but it seems that's not the case with the news at least. The other may be my computer's fault,since it did eventually come up.