Why do you suck at bridge?
#1 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2008-June-07, 00:20
For me I think it is lack of focus (at bridge tournaments there are a lot of distractions, social and otherwise), and too much ego.
Posted 2008-June-07, 00:23
negative attitude, not being willing to invest time and effort and general lack of talent.
Posted 2008-June-07, 00:38
George Carlin
Posted 2008-June-07, 01:13
Also my declarer play = suck.
Posted 2008-June-07, 01:45
Posted 2008-June-07, 02:04
Not enough oldness.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2008-June-07, 02:32
awm, on Jun 7 2008, 03:04 AM, said:
Not enough oldness.
you need to work on the cranky factor.
Posted 2008-June-07, 03:04
(or perhaps, too much beer while on the way to too much oldness)
Posted 2008-June-07, 07:07
Play when I'm tired too often, get tired when I play too much bridge, and don't play enough bridge because I'm tired.
I don't have the head for cardplay necessary to take the last step anyways.
Posted 2008-June-07, 07:14
Posted 2008-June-07, 07:48
Posted 2008-June-07, 08:19
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2008-June-07, 08:22
2. I'm lazy.
3. Time management skills are pretty lame. Will work on this as soon as I logoff the forum.
Don't suck as much as I used too.
Posted 2008-June-07, 08:35
Those are not flaws I share, I read and study bridge a lot. But there are a lot of reasons why I still suck at bridge. The first answer is clear. I spend way too much of my time trying to figure out esoteric bidding ideas. I would be a much better player if I stuck to a simple bidding system, and tried to devellop my bidding judgement better, and then used my "study" time to improve my card play technique rather than find the latest and best new gadget.
Another reason I suck at bridge is the lack of the ability to let the last hand go. I will mull over issues of a hand just played (or even two or three hands ago) when I should be focusing entirely on the hand being played at the moment. I do this F2F alll time, but on BBO it is exaggerated as I can go and study the movie in great detail. This distraction has to be at least as bad as justin's socilal distraction, and sadly, it happens even in the vaccum of online bridge.
Two other areas, I almost never exercise any "table feel", even when I think I read a vibe I will tend to ingore it. I think my bridge would be better if I back my insticts more in situations like that. Finally, I don't spend enough time trying to view the problems the defenders might face and time my plays in order to make it most difficult for them. Interestingly, when I review my hands later, I frequently discover where I could have made it harder on them if I had just thought a tiny bit longer.
Posted 2008-June-07, 08:52
Lost my great partner who improved me a great deal from being totally suck. Well, not really lost, he just got eaten up by Cambridge.
Lack of focus. (lost me 20 imps in 2 boards) And yes, the "what did partner just signal?" happens to me every other board or so.
Laziness when declaring, taking inferior lines of play that pop up in my mind.
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Posted 2008-June-07, 09:48
Posted 2008-June-07, 10:01
Kidding. (somewhat kidding. I'm not Justin Lall, but that's not the reason I suck)
because I'm inconsistent and don't count everything I should. Bidding judgement could also use help at times.
#20 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2008-June-07, 11:21