Walddk, on Aug 12 2006, 02:50 AM, said:
>What did you expect Israel to do when Hezbollah kidnapped their soldiers and
>launched rockets all over the place? Lean back and let it happen?
Simply put, yes...
An occassional kidnapping and a rocket here and there is not a threat to Israel's existence. These types of incidents are certainly very regretable, however, I don't think that there is any good way to stop them. Consider this as a cost of doing business. The Israeli's made a concious decision to act as colonial overlords and used military force and ethnic cleansing to seize large amounts of Arab land. The Israelis deliberately subsidized the colonization of the West bank by granting large tax breaks to settlers. In return, the Israelis get to live with the occasional rocket attack and suicide bombings.
>Exactly that happened during World War II because the Jews had no defence.
>Things have changed. The Jews are capable of defending themselves now,
>and they have every right to do that when they are attacked.
The Israeli's aren't defending themselves - the rocket attacks and suicide bombings aren't stopping - they are simply inflciting pain on their neighbors and radicalizing whole new generations of Arabs. You might buy a temporary cessation of hostilities this way, but its no way to build a lasting peace. WMD strikes against Haifa and Tel'Aviv are inevitable consequences of this set of policies. Keep heading down this path and you're going to get a whole new Holocaust to accompany the last one.
Golda Meir famously said "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us". I think that there is a corollary to this: The Arabs need to believe that the future offers some hope for their children. Take away away this hope and the only think that folks have left is violence. The Israeli attacks on Lebanon destroyed the economic infrastructure of an entire country and devasted the tourism industry. The Israeli's deprived generations of Lebanese any hope to better their lives. I suspect that this is going to have some ugly consequences for border security.
Furthermore, the Israelis demonstrated that they have a handsome ability to bomb bridges, hospitals, and apartment complexes, but they're not doing nearly so well on the ground. Yes, the Israelis are advancing, but they are losing large numbers of tanks and men. Hezbollah is providing the Arab world with an example of Arabs "successfully" standing up to the vaunted Israeli army. The Arabs can afford to lose a lot more people than the Israelis and i'm sure that they're thrill to trade RPGs for Merkavas.
In short, this conflict is
1. Antagonising the Arab population
2. Unifying Arab support behind Hezbollah
3. Providing a model on how to oppose the Israeli army
The ONLY thing that is going to bring peace that hellhole is providing economic opportunity for impoverished Arabs, and you aren't going to achieve this with airstrikes, artillery barrages, or tanks.