Hand 1:
I thought the spades would make a ton of tricks in NT as well as in spades so left partner in it. Making +2 for a top as the othe two pairs played in 4♠.
A bottom for us, as one EW couldn't be bothered to bid beyond 2♠ and the other was in 4♠+1 which 3NT+2 beats. Three table movements are near meaningless as far as the scores go in a highly variable field.
Hand 3:
My bridge brilliance does not extend to finding ace and another from a doubleton against a NT contract with a silent partner, so after I try a low spade lead declarer wraps up 11 tricks for 2/22 MPs to us. Bizarrely one declarer managed to go three off in the same contract on a diamond lead. The only EW pair who did better was someone who managed to make 12 tricks in 4♠.
Hand 4:
I found the best lead of my fourth best club but it didn't do us any good. Declarer wrapped up 12 tricks. 3/22 MPs to us.
Whilst I can hold my hands up and admit several bottoms in any session can be attributed to me, these examples demonstrate why I get a sinking feeling when the hands start going the other way and we have a run of defending nearly all the time.