I had a situation recently where a player thought she was registered for the tournament but her computer had frozen. I got an alert from the BBO system. Eventually the player rebooted and rejoined, and the tournament started. If it had been necessary to de-register the pair then how would the system have dealt with it. Would the tournament start automatically and how would it adjust movements. movement-wise. FYI the event was set up as a +howell+ +rounds9+ but without the deregistered pair we would have changed the movement.
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Tournament does not start because a player is not on-line What happens if the player is de-registered
Posted 2022-January-08, 09:18
Wainfleet, on 2022-January-07, 11:36, said:
I had a situation recently where a player thought she was registered for the tournament but her computer had frozen. I got an alert from the BBO system. Eventually the player rebooted and rejoined, and the tournament started. If it had been necessary to de-register the pair then how would the system have dealt with it. Would the tournament start automatically and how would it adjust movements. movement-wise. FYI the event was set up as a +howell+ +rounds9+ but without the deregistered pair we would have changed the movement.
is this where u would type in"+allavail+ into the description box?
Posted 2022-January-08, 14:54
Would they ask for a sub instead first. Sounds like Howell would be the superior movement with that number of pairs...?
Posted 2022-January-09, 14:03
Wainfleet, on 2022-January-09, 04:58, said:
Yes That was at the start of the description.
type in +howell+ in description box and u will get a full howell movement. if u have a half table, u will have a sitout but u go into "substitutes" ( from director tab ) and sub out the sitout for a robot. the number of rounds us 1 less than the number of teams ie. a team will play all the other teams.
Posted 2022-January-14, 16:49
Wainfleet, on 2022-January-07, 11:36, said:
I had a situation recently where a player thought she was registered for the tournament but her computer had frozen. I got an alert from the BBO system. Eventually the player rebooted and rejoined, and the tournament started. If it had been necessary to de-register the pair then how would the system have dealt with it. Would the tournament start automatically and how would it adjust movements. movement-wise. FYI the event was set up as a +howell+ +rounds9+ but without the deregistered pair we would have changed the movement.
The only situation that would require a movement change given the above set up is if there were only 9 pairs registered originally i.e enough to run a 9 round Howell. Whether you let the movement continue with a sit-out or fill the half table with human or robot subs is entirely your choice. Once a pair does not start, we then have 8 pairs and not enough numbers to run 9 rounds.
Any number above 5 tables would not have affected the movement if a pair does not start as there would still be enough pairs to play 9 rounds.
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