First time round, I made 4♥-2 for -5.8 IMP's. I saved it into my Deal archive folder "Hands I failed to make" and today brought it up onto a teaching table imagining that I'd crack it after a couple of goes.
Here are UB40 and Chrissie Hynde hamming up 'I got you Babe' in reggae time (Groundhog day style) to listen to while you think about how to go about it.
I definitely didn't: I had to try 12 times before it succumbed. Especially appropriate since punxsyphil would no doubt have got it in 1.
Here it is:
I'm sitting South - facing robots.
♠10 (or T) led by West.
Rather than converting to 4♥, passing 3N is tempting with such a flat hand. In 4♥, my guess: win 1st trick as cheaply as possible; draw 3 rounds of trumps. ending in dummy; finesse ♣J; hoping to lose only 3 black-suit tricks.