pescetom, on 2019-November-29, 15:36, said:

Reducing mechanical-error opportunities. (Admittedly, some of this would be possible, F2F, using tablets, phones, or bridge-mates).
- Illegal calls (e.g. insufficient, out-of-turn, illegal doubles and redoubles, extra passes)
- Illegal plays (e.g. leads out of turn, plays out of turn, revokes).
- Misscoring (e.g, misattribution of tricks, miscalculation).
Simplifying disclosure e.g. An application like full-disclosure can automatically display the meaning of your call to your opponents.
Simplifying claim law. You claim by stating a number of tricks and playing on, with your hand exposed. Opponents can accept the claim. Or they can dispute it, by continuing, double-dummy (with Declarer playing single-dummy) A theoretical draw-back is that this permits declarer to embark on a fishing expedition. In practice, that doesn't seem happen, perhaps because only particularly naive and tolerant defenders would allow it. On-line claim protocol seems to encourage claims, to save defenders from unnecessary pressure, to speed up the game, and to virtually eliminate claim-disputes. I would be interested in the experience of on-line directors.
Facilitating the prevention/detection/prosecution of cheats. e.g.
- Put S/W and N/E players in separated Faraday cages.
- Allow viewgraph scrutiny by several commentators and many kibitzers, augmenting TV and computer-records of bidding and play.
- Correlate hands with calls to deduce actual partnership methods and contrast them with those declared on system-cards/supplementary notes.
- Monitor selected deals where overbidding. underbidding, and anti-percentage plays are rewarded.