The other day, we encountered a hand as shown. Every pair in the field made 6 or 7, but nobody else made a Slam bid, except our pair with some possible overbidding on the part of my partner or a misunderstanding on my part.
As mutual understanding, a response of 2/1 is meant to have 12+pts with 10+HCPs. So, my landing on 6♥ was based on my expecting partner to hold either the K of ♠ or the Q of ♥ with some distributional points.
But as the cards lie, I realized that my partner had either over-counted the J of ♥ for 2 HCPs in support of my 1♥ opening, or assigned an extra point to the forth ♥.
Its clear that an opening lead of ♠ will beat the contract. But nobody made such a lead.
For me, the opening lead was a ♦, and I made my small slam with an extra trick for a score of 1010 points and 11 IMPs.
Reputedly, Tony Forrester disapproves of leading from a King.
Here, North should call the director if his 2♣ reply is alertable, in case that might affect the auction or lead.