Posted 2019-November-19, 11:21
I have sympathy for east.
I am not a 'top WC player', so I may be analyzing differently than did our east, but here is what I might be thinking: I apologize for the detail, but this is how I think at the table:
1. Partner probably has 3 spades: 109x or 974. It is unlikely that he'd lead from 9x, but at trick 1 I can't say it's impossible
2. At trick 2, declarer can be assumed to hold 4 diamonds to the A. Either Axxx or AJxx: note that it is wrong, with AJxx, to blow a dummy entry, in either black suit, to take a diamond hook: with AJxx, the correct play is usually low to the Queen. Since I now 'know' that declarer has 4=4 reds (or 4=5), I strengthen my view that partner has 3 spades....while he may stay away from a club lead from good clubs with 4, I think he'd surely lead that suit with 5, since on this auction we could have a 9 card club fit. For the same reason, I place declarer with 4=4 reds, not 4=5.
3. Ok, now what? Here is where I would be taking a LONG time, since I have to construct various layouts consistent with the auction, and try to predict the play...all not knowing, for example, if declarer has AJxx or Axxx in diamonds, which is highly significant.
Even with more time thinking about this than I'd have at the table (and I'd taken a good 10 minutes to play to a trick on occasion), I am unsure of what is right from East's perspective. Note that the club spots may be crucial....give South Q8x, and a club (especially the 9) causes issues for the defence. Give south Q108, and a club is horrendous, and so on. But a club obviously can win, so we have to consider that suit...we would therefore lead a club unless we can see a possibly winning alternative.
How about this: Ax KJxx AJxx Q10x?
We lead a low heart, implying values....don't worry, partner can never be misled. If he can't count all the hcp at this stage, declarer will have extras and no defence will work.
Would you seriously consider playing low here? Maybe, and hats off to is perhaps easier if east has taken as long as I would have.
If not, play an honour, have west win and west plays a're in dummy with a sinking feeling. If east has the club Ace, you have to cash the spades and then what? What are you pitching, for one thing?
It gets murky, depending on that declarer plays, but he is almost surely going down at this point. Note that partner is pitching behind declarer, on the last spade, and will have a perfect count on the hand.
Say the hand was like that, and east switched to the club 9 (or low, and declarer played the 8): would we then have commentators suggesting that he ought to have switched to a heart, as the only hope for a plus?
I thank Felicity for the post, because I think this hand shows how difficult defence can be. Of course, the actual east may not have thought along the lines I've set out here...and may have thought of things that didn't even occur to me.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari