Winstonm, on 2017-May-20, 13:17, said:
Partner's hand sounds like this: 42, 75432, 843, J32
With 3 spades or 4 of a minor suit I would expect a bid of 2S or 3-of-a-minor. Ergo, lack of a bid must show 5 hearts and 2,3,3 in the minors.
Unless discussed to play this as penalty I would bid 3D.
Pd has an easy 3
♦ bid with a 2533 hand if he is not interested in defending.(or 2 NT if they are known to open 1
♦ from 4
We opened 1
♦ and pd passed. Then we doubled 1
♥ and pd passed over 2
♥ again, then we doubled 2
♥, (which was a gross overbid imo because it assumes pd did not see we opened 1
♦ and doubled 1
♥ in their live auction) and pd passed the XX. There is a freaking limit to passing the ball back to us each time. Pass it and he will not do it again unless he wants to stay in defense. But I would never double 2
♥ after the things I have already done.
You forgot to discuss this common sequence on the way to the club, so you'll just have to rely on bridge judgement. South is a LOL, so her XX was undiscussed, but presumably expressed some sort of desire to play there.
What's partner showing you, and what do you do about it?