Really dislike cue here holding neither major. It should IMO just bid 2♦ or 1nt, then it goes plus if North competes further.
I think the priorities with strongish hands should be:
- holding no major:
1. cue with enough for slam interest, else
2. game in NT with stopper, no slam interest
3. cue with GF values but no stopper
4. 2nt inv with stopper
5. 1nt
6. jump other minor
I guess 4/5/6 can often be close borderline decisions, might resolve by length in minor. I generally prefer NT bids when holding only 4 other minor, and tend to prefer 2nt over 3 of a minor. With 5 cd suit and being able to jump to the 2 level only and only 1 club stop I guess prefer 2d over 1nt, but might be wrong about what does better in long run.
holding both majors:
- always cue if inv+
holding one major:
- cue with GF values,
else with inv values jump in major even ahead of longer unbid minor.
with less than inv just bid major cheaply