Reading an old article(Dansk Bridge, juli 1984) about Oswald Jacoby. It reads: "West led ♥K and when East followed Ozzie claimed on a double squeeze against any distribution. Only six seconds had passed since the lead! Try it yourself." I cant see it. What am I missing?
One failed try: Assume West has ♥A and leads a spade on trick two. I draw trumps, ♦A, ♦K, ruff ♦, run spades. In the four card position I play the last spade. West keeps ♥A so I discard the ♥Q from dummy. Cross to dummy with a low club and leads a club from dummy. Both opponents have followed suit in both minors. West is 1633 or 1642 but I still dont know where the minor Queens are, so dont know whether to drop or finesse clubs.