Kaitlyn S, on 2016-August-30, 10:52, said:
For the more advanced novices, let me post problem (1b).
Here's your hint:
Hint: When partner rebids 2D, he could be minimum but he could also have as much as 18 points (with more, he would jump shift.) Is game still possible? if so, do you have a safe way to not have the auction end if partner does have a really nice hand?
Answer: You are still minimum and don't want to get higher than 2S in case partner is minimum. However, partner might have as much as 18 points so it would nice to let him make a game try which you will accept if partner does have that much.
You know you have 7 diamonds between you and you also have 7 hearts between you. However, passing 2D won't let your partner make a game try and bidding 2H will.
If partner has AJ4, A10654, AQJ5, 3, he can bid 2S in case you have 5, and you'll happily bid 4S. (If you had the 6-point response, you could just pass 2S since partner does not have a maximum - he didn't jump shift.)
If partner had 4, A654332, AQJ5, A7, he can bid 3H, non-forcing, and you will accept by bidding 4H. His hand got better when you showed that you had two hearts.
If partner had 4, QJ1095, AQ65, AK3, he can try for game by bidding 2NT and you'll raise to 3NT.
If partner has the normal minimum like 4, QJ1095, A865, KQJ, he'll just pass and play in 2H.
Of course, if you pass 2D, partner will play in 2D with any of those hands, which is the whole point of bidding 2H.